Serious Horrifying Video Shows 70-year-old Asian Woman Beaten and Kicked in the Head at Her Apartment Complex in Broad Daylight by Group of Teen Thugs (2 Viewers)

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Shotgun Nose Job

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I truly hope these teens (twats) involved, die.
Well they’re black so eventually they’ll have a gun the police will say hey buddy is that a gun and in true nigglette fashion he’ll whip it out and get blasted then would you know it all will be right once more… instead of making abortion Illegal we should have been making it mandatory for the people with lower functioning forms of genetics

Shotgun Nose Job

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I like Mexicans I’ve worked with them my whole life. Below Mexico the people are all trash but Mexicans are alright most are about family. That’s what gives them their worth. They value the family unit. As opposed to blacks they kill their own mothers over nigger purse change on the reg. I grew up in the ghetto so mine is a refined real world experience racism. You can’t teach this you have to experience it.. but I will say you’re wrong about Mexicans. If you’re gonna be racist at least make sense of it. Mainly for the simple fact I bet you can tell me what makes a black dude a nigger all day but if I ask you what a wetback is you’re gonna struggle because other than some wetbacks doing fantastic things feeding me gore compilations the majority work.. I’m more pissed because I’m watching my people become niggers. White people don’t wanna work they cry if they gotta use their brains or muscles for longer and 4 hours. They constantly talk shit and are all closet racists but are too cuck to do anything. So in my mind there could be a tiny bit of jealousy which growing up in foster care and group homes I get it I wish I had a family too but Mexicans overall are stellar people.
Side note to prove my point they make thousands for ford F-150’s a year in Mexico, they can’t even find their own water in Africa.
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White is right. Keep the white race pure🫡
I like Mexicans I’ve worked with them my whole life. Below Mexico the people are all trash but Mexicans are alright most are about family. That’s what gives them their worth. They value the family unit. As opposed to blacks they kill their own mothers over nigger purse change on the reg. I grew up in the ghetto so mine is a refined real world experience racism. You can’t teach this you have to experience it.. but I will say you’re wrong about Mexicans. If you’re gonna be racist at least make sense of it. Mainly for the simple fact I bet you can tell me what makes a black dude a nigger all day but if I ask you what a wetback is you’re gonna struggle because other than some wetbacks doing fantastic things feeding me gore compilations the majority work.. I’m more pissed because I’m watching my people become niggers. White people don’t wanna work they cry if they gotta use their brains or muscles for longer and 4 hours. They constantly talk shit and are all closet racists but are too cuck to do anything. So in my mind there could be a tiny bit of jealousy which growing up in foster care and group homes I get it I wish I had a family too but Mexicans overall are stellar people.
Side note to prove my point they make thousands for ford F-150’s a year in Mexico, they can’t even find their own water in Africa.
Stellar for leaving their kids with strangers to get raped and killed ? How about for coming to US illegal and using our tax money and benefits for no contributions? How about destroying their own country and coming to ruin ours too? Yes. Stellar.

However they are better than the niggers


Of course your opinion matters! - just not to me.
When do you ever hear about a Mexican disrupting/ destroying public property or lashing out against authority or thinking they are entitled and society owes them something ? There is some strange aberration in the black race that we need to address because there is so much hate and anger and frustration at the federal level. They are angry because they live in poverty and crime and have no limited education opportunities and the white class is angry because they are causing these crimes and destruction. What should we do? Well that is what we need to figure out. But please don’t include “wet backs” in this category because you never walk in public next to a Mexican individual and feel threatened or danger. By the sheer belittling name “wet back” should clue you in on their hard journey of crossing dangerous terrain to get to a place where their hard work will let them fulfill their dreams. And their dreams are simple: A family life with a house and a car and safety and happiness. Safety from persecution and from violence , even violence from black folk. They don’t wanna cause trouble- if anything they avoid and run away from it knowing that any police involvement will likely mean deportation. And don’t forget the millions of Mexican Americans who have resided here for years that have made huge contributions to society be it in politics or art or public service or entertainment: Anthony Quinn, Linda Carter , Eva Longoria , Tony Romo, Demi Lovato, Selena Gómez, Mario López, Jessica Alva, Salma Hayek, , Robert Rodriguez (director), Guillermo del Toro, Linda Ronstant, Carlos Santana, list is endless. Just because one group of minorities fucks it up doesn’t mean every group is like them.