animals Squirrels last dinner (1 Viewer)

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YouTube is full of freaks who make videos of themselves killing animals under the guise of legitimate hunting or exterminating purposes, but we all know it's blood money simply to garner clicks and ad revenue. The innocent squirrel peacefully eating seeds in a garden is thus turned into a click bait thumbnail to sucker in average nobodies to satiate their morbid curiosity. Sure we do similar here on GG, but we don't make the videos, we don't profit from creating videos of death - especially of the innocent and most helpless, we hate to see animals suffer and die needlessly.


Cuddler of cats
YouTube is full of freaks who make videos of themselves killing animals under the guise of legitimate hunting or exterminating purposes, but we all know it's blood money simply to garner clicks and ad revenue. The innocent squirrel peacefully eating seeds in a garden is thus turned into a click bait thumbnail to sucker in average nobodies to satiate their morbid curiosity. Sure we do similar here on GG, but we don't make the videos, we don't profit from creating videos of death - especially of the innocent and most helpless, we hate to see animals suffer and die needlessly.
You got it. This video is not really hunting nor pest extermination, in reality it is intentional animal cruelty and should be removed.


Super Moderator
* The video was posted to YouTube.
* The animals are not tortured alive.
* The video does not feature crush porn.

Based on these three observations, I will not delete the post. If an administrator or other moderator believes it proper to delete this, then it may be gone in the future without notice.


Drifting into the miasma
I apologize for shit posting folks, this guy is a dick, but honestly I did it for the lulz

You got it. This video is not really hunting nor pest extermination, in reality it is intentional animal cruelty and should be removed.
Yeesh! It will not be removed. Get over it. We watch tigers rip off faces and chinks getting squished in traffic and you're offended by a little backyard violence? 🤣🤪🥴


Forum Veteran
Not sure, isn't this not permitted here. 🤔
Kind considered as cruelty in my mind.
Technically it's not cruel as the slug throughly piths them before they can feel pain.

But yes, the man looks like a frustrated incel if that is not a tautology... probably has a huge porn collection with a school girl fetish, pages stuck together, lube by bedside... probably some gay porn in the mix too, probably most of it is gay porn. Is probably Roman Catholic, failed the priest hood psyche test for some reason known only to God... etc.

Oh, and only does these 'tests' when his mom is out and he can come up from the basement...


Super Moderator
How the fuck are squirrels a pest?
It's a hick thing.

Deer kinda have shitty eyesight, but their scent and hearing is spot on. You can kill your scent, be quiet as fuck, and sit still for hours on end just for a squirrel to fuck the entire hunt up for you.

However, I still agree that removing a squirrel population for clicks and monetization is distasteful. I'd respect doing so quietly, and using the meat after.
I apologize for shit posting folks, this guy is a dick, but honestly I did it for the lulz

Yeesh! It will not be removed. Get over it. We watch tigers rip off faces and chinks getting squished in traffic and you're offended by a little backyard violence? 🤣🤪🥴
It certainly walks a fine line for our rules.


Drifting into the miasma
You got it. This video is not really hunting nor pest extermination, in reality it is intentional animal cruelty and should be removed.
PurrGirl, my cats eat squirrels all the time and bring me the bodies as a show of affection 😍 I love my cats


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