Crime Something has to be said about the massive Negro takeover (6 Viewers)


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Constantly laughing at the world
OK so we are all aware of it, there's nothing new to the agenda that has been forced down our throats the past few years - BUT - Mark Dice kinda says it for me here ... Because recently I had been watching a lot of recent movies. Not just 'fodder' but actual Top 10 and popular movies of this year and last year.
What really stands out is the ridiculous "Token" nigger character in literally EVERY movie!
No matter what the story is .. there's a TOKEN nigger that serves absolutely no purpose in the movie other than to fuck the whole thing up and be the moody / chip on the shoulder for no reason / argumentative / point making / irritating NIGGER in the movie for no reason but to make comments about how white people are a problem etc . It's become beyond annoying.
So many movies I watched could have been (not exaggerating.. TEN times better) if you just remove the stupid token nigger and put a white character there where it should be.
Old historical movies set in the 1800's where the Judge is a nigger? WTF and a police officer is a nigger? Come on man! it just would never have happened. What nigger would be a police officer - much less a WOMAN police officer in the 1800's ? or a Judge in a court presiding cases with the whole golliwog hair? - well done Hollywood!
I can't get more than ten minutes into a movie these days without the token nigger character fucking up my experience. DEI is beyond a JOKE it's just a cruel anti white INSULT it's not just in movies it's EVERYWHERE and yes, we all knew that already ... but surely there's a way to turn this shit around somehow. We (as white people) are just allowing ourselves to be trodden on and disrespected and insulted in the name of diversity.
Be assured .. Diversity is not your friend !!! it's rapidly killing culture and trying to re-write history. IT HAS TO STOP. (I posted this in crime cos what's happening is a fucking crime on society... if I used 'wrong language by saying NGGR just let me know I'll change it to ..... Dunno ... turd with an afro? :shrug: )
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Stormy Llewellyn

Forum Veteran
Could you just imagine how things would be today if blacks had NOT sold their own people to slave owners? All (or most) blacks would be living in Africa throwing tires around each other while we could live in peace...

(I'm watching a series right now on Prime called, "Them". It's two seasons with several episodes, and I'm only on the 1st season...about 5 episodes into it. It's mainly about whites being horrible toward a black family but it has some supernatural aspects to, something sinister happened waaay back in the day, and even ghosts are bothering the black families.)
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Constantly laughing at the world
Could you just imagine how things would be today if blacks had NOT sold their own people to slave owners? All (or most) blacks would be living in Africa throwing tires around each other while we could live in peace...

(I'm watching a series right now on Prime called, "Them". It's two seasons with several episodes, and I'm only on the 1st season...about 5 episodes into it. It's mainly about whites being horrible toward a black family but it has some supernatural aspects to, something sinister happened waaay back in the day, and even ghosts are bothering the black families.)

JG Ballard

I want to watch
It's why I rarely watch new movies and never watch any of the bullshit streaming out of netflix, hulu, etc. Luckily there is a virtual infinitude of movies and TV series from the past to enjoy. I went to see the new Godzilla a few months ago. That was a rare DEI-free movie experience.
Could you just imagine how things would be today if blacks had NOT sold their own people to slave owners? All (or most) blacks would be living in Africa throwing tires around each other while we could live in peace...

(I'm watching a series right now on Prime called, "Them". It's two seasons with several episodes, and I'm only on the 1st season...about 5 episodes into it. It's mainly about whites being horrible toward a black family but it has some supernatural aspects to, something sinister happened waaay back in the day, and even ghosts are bothering the black families.)
Your first sentence is something that seems to be ignored by everyone.

All of y’all sound stupid asf 🤣 😂 you don’t even have any culture LMAO! You’re just boring ass pasty people who burn in the sun Lolol. Go boohoo in a corner somewhere 😂
No, homo. I'm a white/Mexican/Portuguese. Go boo hoo in your government assisted living space.

Jessica Fletcher. 🍳

𝙰𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚕𝚊 𝚘𝚏 𝙳𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚑.
I'm not racist much but I can see where you are coming from, making Velma and the Little Mermaid black was noticeably unnecessary.
I also watched the newer Bill and Ted movie recently and Keanus daughter was obviously non binary for apparently no reason at all.

Someone should put forward a Boyz in tha Hood with an all white cast idea and see how that goes down, not even swallowing a pint glass of Weinsteins cum could get that movie made.

Grand Mal Caesar

All of y’all sound stupid asf 🤣 😂 you don’t even have any culture LMAO! You’re just boring ass pasty people who burn in the sun Lolol. Go boohoo in a corner somewhere 😂
You're just too stupid and uncivilized to understand and experience white culture. Pants and proper enunciation of simple words are good examples of that.


Forum Veteran


Forum Veteran
Not raciest much BUT....They RUINED *SAW*
They made a spin off with the comedian. And it SUUUUUUUUUUUCKED!!! They said they put off the film that's JUST come out now for a couple years just to make it. SawX is out now and its was AWESOME!!
Chris Rock,, I think his name is....Completely RUINED it for me. Not just cos he was black. It was the WHOLE thing, they way he spoke, the way they CANCELLED making this new one now. I reckon THAT was cos of BLM too tbh.