
  1. Monkman777

    animals Almost Became Roasted Dinner

  2. oceanblood

    Funny Can't feed their kids

    White guy vs blacks 😂
  3. Ginjabread man

    beatings He wanted his chicken with a side of whipping & kicking

  4. Lord Gutsy

    animals Chicken will be cooked soon

  5. Ginjabread man

    accident Fool sent “flippin” after a game of chicken

  6. Monkman777

    animals Trying To Steal Me Food Bud

  7. girl101

    fights The Dumbest game of chicken i have seen

    Dumbest game of chicken I have ever seen. I hate those save the world activists.
  8. ZeroK

    animals Controversial Method For Hatching A Chick

    Farmers, (@badangel7) why is this a bad idea
  9. Monty🖕🏻

    accident a chinese man and his expensive car meet a chicken

  10. Lord Gutsy

    animals China's #1 Soccer Player

  11. Lord Gutsy

    bizarre Kid Jump Kicked By Chicken
