
  1. Ginjabread man

    Warning:Children Horse Dragging Him Around

  2. Ginjabread man

    bizarre “Just Married” (in Africa)

  3. Monkman777

    disaster Just Crossing The Road

  4. Ivan Drago

    Serious State Department Funding 'Drag Theater Performances' In Ecuador To 'Promote Diversity And Inclusion'

    ffs https://www.foxnews.com/politics/state-department-funding-drag-theater-performances-ecuador-promote-diversity-inclusion
  5. JayZee

    PTA Mom dresses in DRAG at Board Meeting. She's a TRANNY!

    While I don't agree with everything Knowles says in all of his opininions, I do agree that there is a gross double standard in this instance. If the school arranged to have a grown man dress up in drag - in a unitard - to do high kicks and splits on stage, then why is it frowned upon if a parent...
  6. Lord Gutsy

    bizarre *Warning* Kid Dragged Away By Monkey

    A 4-year-old girl was attacked by a wild monkey and dragged away. China (April 19)