
  1. Cobh

    Crime Chaos in Dublin

    A refugee has stabbed a number of people in Dublin city centre today, 23/11/23, including a 5 year old. Riots on the street are ongoing. https://www.irishtimes.com/crime-law/2023/11/23/dublin-stabbing-attack-live-updates-three-children-injured-chief-suspect-detained/
  2. Cobh

    Raped by refugees

    In Pearse Street, Dublin. A muddle aged man was raped by 5 refugees. I think Ireland will soon end up like England.
  3. Cobh

    Woman instigates a fight

    No info at all. Maybe a traveller and her sons? Just received in on WhatsApp and it made me laugh. Thought I'd share. Theres a Dublin reg on the car so might be there or its surroundings. Durty scum anyway.