
  1. RebelFX

    Random Goregrisher's Custom Theme Songs Disc 3

    You didn't ask for it but you got it... Goregrisher's Theme Songs. Again, I didn't choose lyrics or music genre, AI chose it for you. I did all the lyric subtitling manually so apologies if anything is off. I can't tag that many people so gonna try something else. Let me know if you want one...
  2. RebelFX

    Random Goregrisher's Custom Theme Songs Disc 2

    Goregrisher's theme music written by A.I. I used your guys' usernames as the prompt and let A.I. do the rest including genre and lyrics. Lyric captions were all done manually, no auto transcript cheating! In the interest of time, I cut some people out to appear on the next one @Monkman777...
  3. RebelFX

    Random Goregrisher's Custom Theme Songs Disc 1

    I decided to give you guys theme songs... so... here ya go. I used your guys' usernames to have AI generate a short theme song. I didn't choose genre, lyrics or anything... simply put in your user names and let AI do it's thing. Here is the result... I didn't use auto transcription, I did...
  4. bushybram

    Youtuber reviews goregrish

    shit-stirring level 10 edit :umad: See the original video here