
  1. Lord Gutsy

    animals Bear putting on a show for them

    Biysk, Altai region. Here, a bloody incident with a bear occurred in a tent that stopped at a local shopping center. The clubfoot attacked the trainer during the show and tore his arm. The spectators, especially children, were scared and in shock.
  2. Lord Gutsy

    Warning:Children Dog found a new chew toy

  3. Punisher_1

    animals Pitbulls kill some guy

    Cops are usually eager to shoot your golden retriever or while trespassing kill any random dog but here are 3 pit bulls that tore apart a man and killed him and the firefighters have to resolve this?
  4. Monkman777

    animals Old Lady Mauled By Dogs

    Almost ended badly for her...
  5. Lord Gutsy

    Warning:Children Doggos mauling a girl

    A pack of stray dogs attacked a third-grader in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. The girl has multiple injuries Dasha was walking down the street and came across dogs lying in the snow. At first they simply barked at the girl, and then attacked her. A passer-by managed to save the unfortunate...
  6. Lord Gutsy

    Warning:Children Doggo playing with little chink

    China - warning mute volume
  7. Lord Gutsy

    animals Hungry bear

  8. WickedMal

    animals ~Thief Mauled By Dogs~

  9. WickedMal

    animals ~Pitbull Mauling Young Woman~

  10. Lord Gutsy

    bizarre performer got fucked up by tiger
  11. Lord Gutsy

    animals *warning* he got fucked up by rot

    This forced use of the functional weapon made it possible to repel the suspect's resistance and neutralize the danger emanating from him, and to seize the white weapon used by him, in addition to seizing the dog. While the victim was transferred to the Mohammed V Regional Hospital in a critical...
  12. Lord Gutsy

    animals Pitbull Mauling Thief
