
  1. Monkman777

    accident Motorcyclist Rides Head On Into Car

  2. Monkman777

    accident Think He Hurted His Nut

  3. Monkman777

    disaster Fool Went Flying

  4. Monkman777

    accident Rider Narrowly Avoids Getting Crush

  5. Monkman777

    accident Rider Took The Shortcut

  6. Monkman777

    disaster Stupid Motorcyclist Brake Checking Car

  7. Monkman777

    accident No Playing, Ya Got A Job To Do

  8. Monkman777

    accident Motorcyclist Collides Into Turning Vehicle

  9. Monkman777

    animals Motorcyclist Amost Smokes Moose

  10. Sweet Death

    accident ~*Warning* Motorcyclist Hits Girl Crossing the Road~

    Colombia, A motorcyclist hit a minor of only nine years old after the girl ran out of her house and when she crossed the street she was hit by the motorcycle. Despite the fact that at first it was said that the man tried to flee, as the minor's family pointed out to news outlets, it was...
  11. Monkman777

    bizarre Angry Motorcyclist Is Knocked Off Bike

  12. SeekingReality

    accident Feeling The Heat - One Hot Motorcyclist.

    Skidded, and had the sense to get away, drop and roll - escaped with a few bruises and light burns.
  13. leatherbiker

    Instagram Celebrity and Motorcyclist Dies in Crash

    "The accident occurred at about 10:30 a.m. Saturday, with Carrion traveling east of Morrell Canyon, according to the California Highway Patrol. She was unable to make a curve because of her speed and veered off of the road before being thrown from the bike and killed, the CHP said. Picturesque...