
  1. ZeroK

    bizarre Crazy Poor Asian

  2. Clam

    murder CUNY Professor and race commentator Marc Lamont Hill: O.J. Acquittal Was the ‘Correct Result’ of a ‘Racist’ Legal System

  3. Nobbler

    fights Racist Rasta on UK buss.

  4. Punisher_1

    Crime Black mob jump white guy for no reason

    If this was the opposite the media would be going nuts......
  5. MasochisticMommy

    US Politics Trump supporters say fuck BLM

    Two white New Jersey brothers have sparked outrage by reenacting the death of George Floyd while a group of Black Lives Matters protesters marched past them. The incident occurred on Monday in Franklinville, NJ. The brothers have been identified as Jim and Joe DeMarco. Jim worked for FedEx but...