russian shelling

  1. DeathHand

    War Russian Shelling Scene in Kherson w/Dead Civilians (Dec 2022)

    Dec. 24, 2022 Kherson, Ukraine After Russian rockets hit the city in the downtown area. 1. 2, 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
  2. DeathHand

    War 23 Civs Dead ~ Russia Shells Kherson (May 2023)

    *Warning: Images of Wounded Child (no gore) May 3, 2023 Russian shelling killed 23 people in and near the southern Ukrainian city of Kherson on Wednesday, hitting a hypermarket (grocery store), a railway station and residential buildings, the regional governor said. "The enemy's targets are...
  3. Pezir

    Warning:Children 6-year Old Girl Under the Rubble

    The picture shows a 6-year-old girl under the rubble of a destroyed house in Ochakovo. Apparently, the child was asleep when the russian rashists attacked a house in the city. Lavrov said that they are what they are and proud of it... this is what you are, a child- murderers!