
  1. Monkman777

    disaster Bus Driver Just Even Out The Score

  2. Donkeyd

    Funny Tick tock time to F...

    A guy over 40 would literally get in his car and be there ready to smash. Don't dare shit like that hahah
  3. Ginjabread man

    beatings Smackheads smash up shop & shelves then get smashed themselves

  4. Donkeyd

    accident Impressive display of compassion by the interviewee/manager.

    What a guy!
  5. Monkman777

    disaster He's Got Some Explaining To Do

  6. Nobbler

    Crime Smash and grab with audience.

  7. Nobbler

    Crime Daylight smash and grab,Manchester UK.

  8. Nobbler

    Crime A quick in and out.

  9. Nobbler

    fights Travellers going on one.

  10. Nobbler

    bizarre Mind the window mate.

  11. Monkman777

    disaster Watch Out For Snow

  12. Monkman777

    disaster Bad Day Window Cleaning

  13. Monkman777

    accident Last Bicycle Ride

  14. Monkman777

    disaster Japanese Biker Smashed

  15. Monkman777

    disaster Right On Target

  16. Monkman777

    disaster Tire Meets Car

  17. Monkman777

    bizarre What A Dick

    Guy smashes crown cause his wife lost the pageant...
  18. Monkman777

    disaster Tow Truck Hits Guy Trying To Rob Someone

  19. Monkman777

    bizarre BONK!

  20. Monkman777

    disaster There Goes The Classic Car

  21. Monkman777

    disaster Train Slams Into Car

    Happened in Covina, CA. Luckily no fatality reported.
  22. Obber

    fights KO at Taco Bell…

    Note: All videos/content that i randomly collected are from the Internet (freaking obvious isn’t it?), just enjoy or hate them. This is not some serious shite (Laugh or Give Criticism, i do not give a fuck! as long as you guys released your loads 👀🤣)
  23. Ba1to

    bizarre Near Death Experience

    Truck almost obliterates this guy trying to do some homework. Sorry there’s no audio :(