
  1. Lord Gutsy

    Crime Taxi driver got a few stabs

  2. Lord Gutsy

    Crime That's one angry dude with a knife

  3. Lord Gutsy

    fights Stabbing on the beach

    An argument between two street vendors of mate ended in violence on Monday afternoon (03), on Barra da Tijuca beach, West Zone of Rio de Janeiro. The conflict took place near Posto 5 and left a man seriously injured after being stabbed.
  4. Lord Gutsy

    Crime Crazy woman gave him a stab and he dropped dead

  5. Lord Gutsy

    Crime Angry dude starts stabbing

  6. BlastOne

    Crime Man randomly starts stabbing people in Moscow grocery

  7. Lord Gutsy

    Crime Crazy bitch stabbing dude in the street
  8. Lord Gutsy

    Crime Well that escalated quickly

  9. trooncel

    fights Man gets stabbed numerous times by drug addict in Russia.

    I shall have a word with my glorious leader and make sure this man is put on the front lines, we should conscript useless good for nothing addicts and use them as meat shields against drones.
  10. Ares_rose1991

    fights Two women stab each other over a man

  11. Lord Gutsy

    Crime Ran into his yard and started to stab him

  12. Lord Gutsy

    Crime Lunatic stabbing women on the stairs

    from Rostov: a psycho brutally cut up three girls in one evening Horrifying footage of one of the attacks was captured on video. The criminal is mentally ill. One of the girls died, two are in the hospital. The maniac was detained by security forces. Videos of the other two he stabbed...
  13. Lord Gutsy

    Crime His buddy is a backstabber

  14. Lord Gutsy

    Crime Tranny stabbed by dude in store

  15. Monkman777

    Police Stabbing Of Car Dealer Employees Over Bad Deal

    Them car dealers are crooks but still shouldn't stab them...
  16. Monkman777

    Crime Drink Guy Goes Stabbing

  17. Lord Gutsy

    Crime Lunatic stabbing his gf

  18. Lord Gutsy

    fights Chink brought his knife

  19. Lord Gutsy

    Crime She went into fucking stab mode

  20. Hookah-smoking-catapillar

    fights Wrestling accident

  21. Lord Gutsy

    Crime Crazy chink stabbed her bf and regret it

  22. Lord Gutsy

    fights Crazy chink with knife

  23. Clam

    Crime Fairfax County, VA - 6 -5 She Boon stabs Asian Cop in the Head. He drops her.

  24. Lord Gutsy

    fights Chink stabbing him in the street

  25. Lord Gutsy

    fights Chink broke bottle on dude and stabs him

  26. Lord Gutsy

    fights Chink stabbing his gf

  27. Lord Gutsy

    bizarre Crazy chink holding her baby and stabbing driver she crashed into

    China - road rage
  28. Lord Gutsy

    Crime Chink stabbed his gf

  29. Lord Gutsy

    Crime Chink visited his ex at her job

  30. Lord Gutsy

    Crime Crazy chink stabbing his gf

  31. wiggins

    murder kid murderer named... he's not white...
  32. Damo0666™️

    Southport stabbing in nursery!!!

    Children stabbed by crazy fucker in Southport UK, one child is confirmed dead and at least 8 others seriously injured 😢
  33. Lord Gutsy

    Crime Chink stabbing dude and punching him

  34. Lord Gutsy

    fights Stabbing at the beach

  35. Lord Gutsy

    Crime This gook is not fucking around

  36. Lord Gutsy

    Crime Dude chinking out

  37. Lord Gutsy

    Crime Brother stabbing brother

    Tragedy: Brother kills brother in the center of Macarani A barbaric crime was recorded this Monday, 24th, in Macarani. One brother killed the other in the center of the city. According to information gathered by the Sena Blog, the brothers were drinking alcohol when they started arguing. At...
  38. Monkman777

    Crime Fatty Stabbing Another Female

  39. Lord Gutsy

    Crime Interrupting his nap

  40. Lord Gutsy

    Crime Stabbing his ex

  41. L

    Massachusetts upstanding person of color goes on stabbing rampage against teenage girls while wearing long blonde wig

    Surely the wig has no deeper meaning given the current social climate in the US
  42. Lord Gutsy

    fights Bitches fighting
  43. Bethy 🔥

    Crime That Took A Quick Turn

  44. Lord Gutsy

    Crime Dude stabbing his ex gf

  45. Lord Gutsy

    Crime Dude went into stab mode

    University student Ata Emre Akman, who worked as a courier in a restaurant chain in Balıkesir, was the victim of a brutal attack. He was stabbed to death by the attacker who blocked him.
  46. Lord Gutsy

    Crime Chink stabbing his gal

  47. Lord Gutsy

    fights Chink pulled out his fucking knife

    China - damn this dude just went into chink full chink mode.
  48. Monkman777

    Crime They Got A Stabbing

  49. Bethy 🔥

    Crime This Is Just Fucking Terrible

    Buenos Aires, Argentina, robbed, beaten, stabbed.