stupid chinese

  1. Monty 4k

    Cheers! 👟👞

  2. Monty 4k

    idiot is thrown through the air 😈

  3. Monty 4k

    accident stupid scooter rider 🤦

  4. Monty 4k

    accident *Warning Child* little boy gets hit by car

  5. Monty 4k

    accident buckle up please!

  6. Monty 4k

    accident Stupid chink 🫨

  7. Monty 4k

    accident Watch the traffic behind you through your mirrors 🚘

  8. Monty 4k

    accident dumbest way to die 👹

  9. Monty 4k

    accident fucked by truck 🎭

  10. Monty 4k

    accident fucked by the car just before crossing the street

  11. Monty 4k

    accident dying made easy

  12. Monty 4k

    accident skinny ass crosses the street and gets hit

  13. Monty 4k

    accident only: Whoa watchao tchaaa

  14. Sgt.Stupid

    bizarre Chinese Winnie the Pooh.

    Not Xi Jinping, but this guy. 🍯