ukrainian soldiers

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    More faggots for Ukrainian army.

    As Ukrainian army sustain catastrophic losses at the war and more and more straight males being wiped out. Ukrainian regime decided to draft homosexuals into the army. So Ukrainian army becomes more and more faggottry.
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    animals Ukrainian LGBT army.

    As Ukrainian army sustains heavy losses these days and there is of course a shortage in straight males in the society Zelensky started drafting gays and other types of faggots in the army. Here is the casual training day for Ukrainian soldiers. So I assume we will start see more and more such...
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    War Ukrainian tried to make a trap for Russian soldiers in an abandoned apartment.

    This is not the first time they making mine traps for Russian soldiers. Ukrainian Nazi are so desperate that they even mine the bodies of dead own comrades.
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    animals Ukrainian soldiers is trying to desecrate Quran and Islam.

    They got this Quran from the body of a killed muslim fighter and now is cutting pork fat on it and is seems like having fun time. They know what they are doing. Dumb Nazi idiots.