accident Bench Press (1 Viewer)

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If it's stupid and not works, it's fucking stupid.
He unable to tip the weight off because the weight is completely on a rack :facepalm:


Forum Veteran
I bet that would be a frightening way to die. I mean, it's just an ordinary go out to bench press a few. Next thing you know you can't breath. You panic...lights out...
And all that muscle gain for nothing. Dying while skydiving once would have been more purposeful for this guy. 🙂


Drop that shit immediately and have someone spot you. Horrible motion, bad for shoulders on press and elbows on curl, prone to future injuries. They are literally one of the worst machines to use for exercising, if you want to lift big, have someone with the means to spot you, or do an alternative exercise that won't fuck your joints up. then lets not even go into how bad it is for your back if squatting..........

I've used one once and never again, absolute wank, less muscle engagement using these pish machines.

You want form on muscle and strength gains, you won't get that all rounded shape if using guff like this.......just targetted specific muscle shape. Which makes you look dogshit.

But that's just my humble experiences from lifting weights for a lot of years.

Started at 56kg bodyweight now 90kg bodyweight..... 5,10.
As a pro card holder I cannot agree more...