Do you think America's border problem, has gotten worse? (1 Viewer)

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silent ghost
I'd also give that ICE organization in the US unlimited powers, turn them basically into brown shirts. Have the private prison's almost act like a boarder wall itself with signs all over the outer perimeter walls in Mexican "see ya soon" LOL
yea people were upset with ICE. they were arresting guys who were actually the "good ones" who had jobs and a family, doing the "right thing". and sent them back to their home land.
yea ok so they were the good guy. never in trouble. working to provide for their family. paying their taxes (to an extent) doing as a good as they can under their circumstances. but at the end of the day,theyre still here illegally. let it be their work visa expired or student visa expired or straight up border jumper.
does it suck for them and their families? sure shit it does. i get the system is broken like that. and that their country is shitty. but it shouldnt be my burden to keep you here and some their offspring being trouble maker scumbags either then have to carry the burden again with my taxes to keep them alive in prison.