Even Australia's Wildlife Don't Like Chinese Tourists (3 Viewers)

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Forum Veteran
I have heard that koalas are not nice at all...they just look cute. In any case, it's a wild fucking animal...people should have the common sense not to mess with it.
I've only seen them a handful of times personally, most of the ones I saw were in trees and just chilling minding their own business, they only come down off the trees to move around and seek new more plentiful habitats for their offspring. They eat eucalyptus leaves in the wild, something in them that makes them stoned quite literally, they seem dopy enough. they are more Australian than we actually realise, they can sleep up or zone out for up to 18 hours per day. I would never hustle one or rip it off a tree just to get a photo, probably end up with a missing eyeball. Typical though, silly cunts want to extort them and abuse them for their own entertainment, like idiots that go swimming in shark infested waters then when they are ripped to pieces their family calls for a shark culling program.


Fuck around and find out
I've only seen them a handful of times personally, most of the ones I saw were in trees and just chilling minding their own business, they only come down off the trees to move around and seek new more plentiful habitats for their offspring. They eat eucalyptus leaves in the wild, something in them that makes them stoned quite literally, they seem dopy enough. they are more Australian than we actually realise, they can sleep up or zone out for up to 18 hours per day. I would never hustle one or rip it off a tree just to get a photo, probably end up with a missing eyeball. Typical though, silly cunts want to extort them and abuse them for their own entertainment, like idiots that go swimming in shark infested waters then when they are ripped to pieces their family calls for a shark culling program.
Amazingly there are alot of vids of these lil guys attacking people. Common victims of "oh look, how cute, ima touch it."


Forum Veteran
The wildlife probably heard how the Chinese stoned a caged Kangaroo to death.
I'm sure if these things lived in China they would be extinct by now :( I think the stupid Asian tourists have rialled the little koala bear up and it's just had a gutful of all of their photos and giggling and screaming and thought fuck you guys! The little bloke was eye level just about so went for him. Kangaroos are also quite territorial, some of them can staunch up real quick!


Infidel Castro

Well Known Member
Hope they don't netrualize the Koala
Don't worry, there is 0% chance that the Australian gov. would euthanize a koala. They cherish the things like gold, they won't even allow anyone to own one except for a choice few zoos/scientists. Especially now as they were just added to the endangered list in February.
It would be more likely those chinks got fined for disturbing the little bastard.