Four American professors came to China and were deliberately stabbed by government agents (1 Viewer)

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The Chinese government invites American scholars and intellectuals to conduct academic exchanges in mainland China

On June 10, 2024, four American professors came to Northeast China because of this, and they considered applying for teachers there.

When a Chinese man from the school, a total of five people, were walking in the park together, someone suddenly appeared from the grass and stabbed the five people.

All five people were seriously injured. Fortunately, after rescue, their lives were out of danger.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs publicly stated that this incident occurred randomly, but this is not the case.

Some experts have analyzed it and said that the Chinese government chose to make the incident public only 30 hours after it happened. It was obvious that it wanted to continue its previous handling methods and darken negative news about China. However, the government failed because there were many witnesses. , the news has spread on a large scale.

Secondly, the injuries of the five people happened to be serious, and no one died. The murderer's techniques were very skillful, ruling out the possibility that the murderer was an ordinary person. Secondly, if they all die, the matter will be serious, someone will be angry and investigate the matter seriously. The conspiracy cannot be concealed, but they are only injured, and the injury is enough to achieve the murderer's purpose.

Finally, the four professors were provided with security protection by the government. After all, the government invited them to China, but now they were assassinated. Are the government protectors dead?

The attacker was a man. Some people said they knew him. His face looked like an agent working in the local government department. When terrorist attacks occurred in the area in the past, this agent came forward to suppress the terrorists. Now, this agent has become a terrorist. .

There is a conflict between the government of Northeast China and the central government of China. It is the policy of the central government to invite foreign talents to China. In order to retaliate against the central government, the government of Northeast China deliberately sent agents to harm foreigners and smear China's international image.

This is a game between the central Chinese government and other regional governments, and these four foreigners are the victims.

At present, the situation in China is becoming more and more chaotic, and a war without gunpowder has begun. If you choose to come to China, please be prepared to shed blood.


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The murderer was an agent loyal to the local government. He was 55 years old, but he could use a knife to incapacitate five people.

Five people's injuries were serious, but none were truly fatal, which was intentional on the part of the agents.

If all these Americans die, it will become a serious diplomatic incident. The U.S. government will be angry, and the Chinese central government will also be angry. They will definitely find out this matter at any cost, and the local government's conspiracy will be exposed, so the agents Choose to stab them rather than kill them.

Merely stabbing foreigners will not have too great an impact, but it can also cause certain ideologies and cause a certain degree of bad impact. It can mainly achieve the goals of the local government, lower China's international image, and damage the relationship between China and the United States. .
Although this is influential, it will not lead to a decisive battle between the central government and local governments.

You spent money to travel to China, or to find a job in China to make money. The moment you get off the plane, you are already exposed to danger.


ummmmm, You smell that?
The Chinese government invites American scholars and intellectuals to conduct academic exchanges in mainland China

On June 10, 2024, four American professors came to Northeast China because of this, and they considered applying for teachers there.

When a Chinese man from the school, a total of five people, were walking in the park together, someone suddenly appeared from the grass and stabbed the five people.

All five people were seriously injured. Fortunately, after rescue, their lives were out of danger.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs publicly stated that this incident occurred randomly, but this is not the case.

Some experts have analyzed it and said that the Chinese government chose to make the incident public only 30 hours after it happened. It was obvious that it wanted to continue its previous handling methods and darken negative news about China. However, the government failed because there were many witnesses. , the news has spread on a large scale.

Secondly, the injuries of the five people happened to be serious, and no one died. The murderer's techniques were very skillful, ruling out the possibility that the murderer was an ordinary person. Secondly, if they all die, the matter will be serious, someone will be angry and investigate the matter seriously. The conspiracy cannot be concealed, but they are only injured, and the injury is enough to achieve the murderer's purpose.

Finally, the four professors were provided with security protection by the government. After all, the government invited them to China, but now they were assassinated. Are the government protectors dead?

The attacker was a man. Some people said they knew him. His face looked like an agent working in the local government department. When terrorist attacks occurred in the area in the past, this agent came forward to suppress the terrorists. Now, this agent has become a terrorist. .

There is a conflict between the government of Northeast China and the central government of China. It is the policy of the central government to invite foreign talents to China. In order to retaliate against the central government, the government of Northeast China deliberately sent agents to harm foreigners and smear China's international image.

This is a game between the central Chinese government and other regional governments, and these four foreigners are the victims.

At present, the situation in China is becoming more and more chaotic, and a war without gunpowder has begun. If you choose to come to China, please be prepared to shed blood.
China , the leader of the fucking free world?:wrong:! China is slowly but very surely turning into a fucking SHIT HOLE!