disaster House On Fire, Now Grass Is On Fire (2 Viewers)

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I like waffles and chaos.



Do you understand how big the US is? When you can take most of Europe and stick it in California's bum hole?

Buried lines would be a astronomical cost!

Sorry bud but thats bullshit imoā€¦ Do you understand maintenance costs and stuff?
All the poles that need replacing, the maintenace trucks with the baskets, cheaper in the long run to bury them ffs.


If it's stupid and not works, it's fucking stupid.
Fortunately, they aren't Curry munchers. If they were stupid Curry munchers, they'd touch the ladder when it touched the wires. :lulz:
Clearly you havent seen any school on the insideā€¦.. retarded as wellā€¦. Anyways just like i said number one 3rd world country
View attachment 797430View attachment 797433

Source Worldatlas
Read it and weep
Um I'm sure you must be off your meds again...

You seem to be including a bunch of Russian area (not part of EU / Europe economic areas) and you forgot that we bought a whole bunch of worthless land from Russia in 1867.

But hey who cares about facts....


Um I'm sure you must be off your meds again...

You seem to be including a bunch of Russian area (not part of EU / Europe economic areas) and you forgot that we bought a whole bunch of worthless land from Russia in 1867.

But hey who cares about facts....
I sold my meds to your crackhead mother so that could be itā€¦ anyways dicktard, if 2% of your brain functioned you will see that scandinavia isnt includedā€¦ its overlayed on a bit of baltic and skipped ikealand etcā€¦ and bought land of russia what you cant use and has nothing to do with murica silly cuntā€¦ but hey i didnt make that map.

Fuck off with dumb irrelatable factsā€¦ europe has a higher number of population, higher landmass, better economyā€¦. So stick your facts in your hairy anus and quit snoring your moms dried up tittymilk.


Forum Veteran
Sorry bud but thats bullshit imoā€¦ Do you understand maintenance costs and stuff?
All the poles that need replacing, the maintenace trucks with the baskets, cheaper in the long run to bury them ffs.
It costs anywhere up to 10x the cost to underground power depending on the voltage being transmitted. The maintenance costs are amortised over the lifetime of the system, and the consumer ends up paying for them - otherwise the utilities would be paying for the immense cost of underground cabling. There is absolutely no way HT power can be undergrounded economically, the sheer real estate required for physical distancing is just one of a list of problems. Not to say it can't be done, because it can but it costs a bomb and requires special deals like cooling, etc... Only residential estate distributions are feasible at this time. You are welcome
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