I say give them both the same scentence (1 Viewer)

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Forum Veteran
I've read stories upon stories of similar shit...a couple molests children and the guy gets a far stiffer penalty than the woman. I cant make sense of it. In the reporting they usually cite it as being the guys idea and he has to convince the woman....but how that fucking matters im not real sure.

This is a dude who convinced his soon to be bride to molest their kids before they were even born! The woman looks half retarded, but if shes fit for trial fuck it, throw the book at both of em. The man is facing life, she only faces 30 years. Disgusting.




I agree Whiteboy :lol: If they both molested their children they BOTH should get the SAME punishment!. Fuckin disgusting :vomit:
The female probably used the fear or brainwash story when telling her side. At least she won't bring any more kids into the world, when she gets out she'll be too old.Should be sterilized.Guy should be castrated.
And what about the victims of this crime? They will be warped forever, as I don't think any amount of therapy will erase the memories. In twenty years they might repeat the acts they suffered.


Forum Veteran
The female probably used the fear or brainwash story when telling her side. At least she won't bring any more kids into the world, when she gets out she'll be too old.Should be sterilized.Guy should be castrated.
And what about the victims of this crime? They will be warped forever, as I don't think any amount of therapy will erase the memories. In twenty years they might repeat the acts they suffered.
I read the weekly vice. It has some fucking funny stories on it, but case after case after case of female teachers raping minors, shit like this where couples rape children...im sick of seeing how easy the women get scentenced. It makes me just dizzy with confusion.

Bethy 🔥

Sometimes life aint fair kiddo..
Super Moderator
The female probably used the fear or brainwash story when telling her side. At least she won't bring any more kids into the world, when she gets out she'll be too old.Should be sterilized.Guy should be castrated.
And what about the victims of this crime? They will be warped forever, as I don't think any amount of therapy will erase the memories. In twenty years they might repeat the acts they suffered.
Sad to say but very very true!.

Béla Kiss

Always, never, and forget about it.
Hopefully 30 years in jail will render enough beatings to her child lovin' ass and she will be that much more retarded. Or dead.


Forum Veteran
The female probably used the fear or brainwash story when telling her side. At least she won't bring any more kids into the world, when she gets out she'll be too old.Should be sterilized.Guy should be castrated.
And what about the victims of this crime? They will be warped forever, as I don't think any amount of therapy will erase the memories. In twenty years they might repeat the acts they suffered.
I wonder if....actually, kinda hope that the parents being caught and punished helps put things right for the children, maybe steers them back from doing that. Of all the statistics I've heard, they've never really addressed if the original perpetrators being punished impacts the likelihood of it being repeated.
One of the most well agreed rules of society is you don't hurt children. I dont understand how any gender bias translates to this type of crime. It does, obviously, but i cant figure out WHY.
Exactly. A father kills a child, and it's HOLY FUCK LOOK AT THE MONSTER.
The mom does it and claims it was something mental and they're like oh poor mother suffering from stress. I don't get it.


Forum Veteran
Exactly. A father kills a child, and it's HOLY FUCK LOOK AT THE MONSTER.
The mom does it and claims it was something mental and they're like oh poor mother suffering from stress. I don't get it.
Even murder isn't as frowned on as molestation. This is considered the worst crime a person can commit.


Forum Veteran
instead of locking them up please shoot and kill them all. with them dead it would save us alot of money


Forum Veteran
instead of locking them up please shoot and kill them all. with them dead it would save us alot of money
I dont generally agree with the death penalty, but these two destroyed several lives. I think its less cruel to murder someone than deprive them of a childhood. I also see no chance at a functional role in society for either of them.

I hope their stay here on earth sucks as much ass as possible, and i wouldnt bat an eye if they were killed, be it the state or an inmate. The only worth they might have is allowing the kids to grow up and go ask them how they could do something so horrible. Its hard to get closure from the dead. For that reason alone, im glad they will be around.


Internet Warrior
I am just as surprised to read that he was able to find two women who would allow this to happen to their children . One would hope the Samantha Bryant { second girlfriend } would receive the same . If the admin people find anything more on that BITCH could you please post it as a follow up . I truly would like to think both women are those women it yesterdays duel hanging picture !!


Internet Warrior
On a lighter note - If I had to root that woman , I would be looking else where for sex !! Sorry Girls - superficial Witchfynde rides again .

Cowboy Stanley

Fresh Meat
I'm used to hearing so many stories of child molestation in the news and I strongly believe chi-mos should be EXECUTED.....but people like these who have children just for the sake of molesting/draping, are a whole different level of scum - all chi-mos are scum, but these types are the most vile of them all and they deserve, not only execution, but TORTURE and slow death. What the fuck is the matter with people anymore?!?!
What a vile, disgusting world we live in.