Funny Indian forgets that the caste system doesnt work outside his country, Screams obscenities and gets tackled by cops (1 Viewer)

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class system outside his country ? the cast system was invented by the British and is still very much in use today in the UK.


class system outside his country ? the cast system was invented by the British and is still very much in use today in the UK.
It works today in the US as well amongst themselves. A friend worked at a retirement village and their were several east Indians who worked there. One of a lower caste was promoted to a leadership position and the other Indians who knew his stature according to caste refused to listen to him. He ended up having to leave his position basically it rendered him useless.


class system outside his country ? the cast system was invented by the British and is still very much in use today in the UK.
The caste system is thousands of years old and described in ancient texts,
The British just rejuvenated it