Warning:Children Little chink ran over (1 Viewer)


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Dr Deacon

Lick the Window of Life
The stupid blind slanty eyed bitch will have been on her phone.
Oh well, from flat face to flat head and a crippled older sister.

when will asians learn
They won't - ever. They don't have the mental capacity.

As soon as uncle/dad lifted little Wong's head up, he got his hands covered in brains/goo - look how he shakes it off his hand haha



"I'm afraid you're in a 'gotsta go situation'!"
Apparently seeing that smear made the lady have to go to the bathroom so badly, she did the pee pee dance!


Super Asshole
That should be the advert for that car's promotional material: our suspension is so good, you won;t even know when you've run over some dipshit's kids...


Forum Veteran
what the fuck were they doing sat in middle of the road, they have absolutley no sense of danger, I mean, God gave us brain to know right from Wong but these slant eyed mother fuckers know fuck all, the adults could not even warn them to move away from there and find a safe haven, such as your mums pussy.