Crime Looting The Alcohols (1 Viewer)


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Constantly laughing at the world


WTF is that useless stripe of pigshit "security" guard doing, this is whats wrong with the UK right now too many fucking liberal dickheads who wont stand up to migrant fucking wankers who wont work but come here, demand we alter our ways to fit in with them and then expect a fucking hand out.
30 years ago these wankers would have been stopped by the public in fact they wouldnt have had the fucking brazen balls to do that becasue they would have had a fucking good hiding for trying it. Give the guard a fucking big stick and allow him to use it that will soon stop it
Haram! Dont make me laugh half the fucking muslim Taxi drivers have a miniature of whisky stuck in the door pocket and get pissed on it, have seen them buying it and reported it.
Like the little fucking wankers driving round reeking of weed the dickless cops wont do a thing even when you report it, they just give you a crime number


Squishy Head 😁😁😁
thats what you get for bringing them in your place.. if that happens to their country they get hanged or beheaded.. 😁😁😁