'Major victory' for paedophiles as baffling law is passed that could see rape & sexual assault victims thrown into JAIL just for telling their stories (1 Viewer)

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We are Kings
That's a leftist state government for you and its judicial decisions, pandering to SJW's and fags.

-- this pathetic manlets government won't exist after the next election, they're done already, thanks coronavirus!.

give these commies an inch they'll take a mile, it's the same everywhere.


silent ghost
and here i though it was just in the states this was gunna happen. WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS WORLD COMING TO? LITERALLY!!
this,to protect them scumbag politicians who are involved in this kind of activity.
this is fucking mind boggling. now pedos have rights too? no mo chomo bashing? this still isnt gunna stop me from stalking them if this happens in the states!
who knows,i might be a celebrity in jail.