Police Mother of the year award winner (1 Viewer)

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“Call my lawyer!”

Do all those who reside in America have lawyers, like us British have a dentist? 😂
If you don't have one, someone in the family usually will. Final will and testimony are handled by private parties (family) so, usually if the family has money, someone has a lawyer to protect it, along with a financial advisor to keep it growing. It's not something we keep up our sleeves, if this bitch takes it to court, she's getting a counter-suit for libel and defamation on false claims against a state agency.

JG Ballard

I want to watch.
Wow, should have done her and the kid a favor and taken her around the back of the building and plugged her in the head.


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Stupid drunk cunt. Worse drunk mother I have ever seen. She is offer her rockers drunk I love the. Part where she is screaming at the cops.that they are a bunch of kidnappers and so on.

Loser drunk cunt

Fuckin piece of shit. That room was a shit hole. She needs the kid taken from her permanently and ship her sorry ass back across the border with the rest of the cockroaches