bizarre New Zealand youngest MP does Native war cry in congress (1 Viewer)

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Forum Veteran
I was in NZ in July. Lots of young white women with that stupid chin tattoo.

Woke cunts and this is just another example of it.

Like in Aus when the white back fellas do their first speech with a possum skin cloak or a roo skin wrapped around their shoulders claiming full ab status.

It's all woke bull shit.

Not to mention that women never did the haka...

Wayne Kümmertz

Well Known Member
Nothing against true nativ behaviour in this case, same with the american natives.
Mixing it all together is woke.
I guess we really need a bit more Apartheid.


A most average man, just even average-er.
My Aunt Doris used to do almost the exact same thing when she would drink,
Usually found her doing it directed at busy traffic early hours in the morning.
She was a sweetheart, she's in a better place now, institutionalised.


Forum Veteran
Freak weirdos.... keep this animal behavior in the jungle, where it belongs...
Who allows this to be normalized?
Foucault and his acolytes from the 50's led to the hippy stuff of the 60's when then, by 1980, were a small but vocal group of academics in the universities.

Their push was that objective truth was a western construct and that anything western was false when compared to native garden of Eden stuff.

Fast forward 40 years and objective truth is long forgotten. LGBTQI rules the spaces both male and female. Men dressed as ladies are now real women, bearded or not.

CRT has made every white person racist, and even 'white adjacent Asians' are suspect.

In a nut shell...