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Bill Murray

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When I was 16 or 17 I was suckered into attending a few of MLM recruitment meetings. About 60 rubes in attendance and the presenters came across just like this vapid cunt. Unreasonable enthusiasm, lots of gesticulating and repeating some contrived bullshit that was supposed to make themselves smarter than the room. Thing was, and its just like kamala, they never actually said anything tangible.

After the first meeting I was pumped, best shit I ever heard and I was on board.....take my money and sign me up. Second meeting was the same horseshit and I started to wonder "what the fuck is this....really?" and put the checkbook away. Third meeting I was convinced that it was some sort of scam and was annoyed they'd wasted my time so at the end I went up to the couple presenting this shinola (they were a very up with people, praise be jesus, obnoxious twats) and I asked what they were selling. They responded with some crap that they were selling a dream or freedom. Even as a kid or young adult I didn't suffer fools and didn't like getting bullshitted so I pushed and started to get more insistent with wanting an answer. Out of frustration the husband finally says "we're selling amway, happy now?". Told him he was a fraud and left.

All thats to say, if the dummies (aka the voting public) who listen to this token muppet, or any POS politician from the left or right, spent a bit of time to think about what horseshit was being shoveled down their throats they might actually realize that they're being conned.


Resident Rope Bottom
Here is the original Superbowl Shuffle that the Sex Offender Shuffle was based on, in case anyone was wondering.

I was in Chicago during this superbowl, I was a kid, but it was a HUUUUUGE deal, and solidified Mike Ditka's place next to Jesus for people in Chicago (he coached the 1985 Chicago Bears).
