Photography is Not a Crime (1 Viewer)

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I fucking HATE police intimidation tactics. Fucking assholes. Youtube - the new justice system :tu:


thats fucked up ! the cop and the judge should be staked out in the camping ground on saturday night at speedweek. !!! And ya cant sue the government for the fuck up either can ya NNNNNNNoooooooooo.

I got a defect here for having a smooth back tyre, course its smooth it wa 3 FUCKING DAYS OLD ! cunts they treat us like crims.

thanks for the memories Rorer, good to see you here.

Equal Hater

Unbannable by decree!
Funny how the judge has a right to privacy, but the citizen doesn't.

By the way, isn't it a crime to bring false charges? I think this guy could totally sue this clown of a cop, and he's lucky not to get killed. I guarantee you if someone pulls a gun on me without identifying as a cop, it would become a slice of swiss cheese.


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This reminds me of the case in the bay area in CA where there was a guy videotaping security guards beating the fuck out of a guy for not putting out a cigarette when he was ordered to, and the rent a cops threatened to arrest the guy and had the cops hassle him and try to get the camera from him so they could erase it.

Big Brother is watching...


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