Razor Blades At East Moline Park Injure 2-Year-Old (2 Viewers)

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Internet Warrior

Authorities in East Moline say they found around a dozen razor blades glued to playground equipment this afternoon at Millennium Park on Archer Drive in East Moline. Police say a two-year-old child was injured with a cut on his hand.
"I've seen a lot of things, but not razor blades glued to equipment at a park," said Lieutenant Brian Foltz, who has been with the East Moline Police Department for almost 20 years.
He says police responded to Millennium Park at around 12:45 PM.
"East Moline parks are safe, but it's just a bad situation, bad instance where somebody, or maybe a group of kids, I don't know who did this, but figured this would be a fun prank to do," he said.
The boy's father treated him at home, and went with police to the park, where they say they found and removed around a dozen razor blades glued onto park equipment with a white, putty-like substance. The evidence remains visible.
Parents say they're surprised to see this kind of vandalism.
"It's something I can look out for now, if ever I'm here," Ty Langley said. "We just kind of think about them swinging on the swing set or, you know, climbing the monkey bars. Don't really think about razor blades."
Police say they're investigating the incident. They went back to Millennium Park at around 5 PM, double-checking the scene. They say they also looked at the rest of East Moline's parks.

"We wanted to check out, just to make sure, and so far, we have not found anything else in any of the parks."
Police say there have been other vandalism-type incidents recently, and are asking neighbors to keep an eye out for anything unusual at area parks. Anyone with any information is asked to contact Crime Stoppers.


We're generating more information about the razor blades that were found in an East Moline park.

About a dozen razors were found on the monkey bars, a slide and on the ground, all connected with a putty-like substance.

The kid was taken home and parents treated their cuts. There are no suspects right now. There have been vandalism incidents at the park in the past year but nothing like this. We'll continue to update as the story developed.


A 2-year-old child was injured at Millennium Park in East Moline as several razor blades were glued to playground equipment.

Police responded to 5101 Archer Drive at 12:45 p.m. Officers collected the razor blades and other evidence.

This case is actively being investigated by the East Moline Police Department.

If anyone has any information regarding this incident please contact Captain Reynolds at (309) 752-1552 or Crime Stoppers at (309) 762-9500.

Link to video: http://www.kwqc.com/story/25060066/r



The fuck!? Why would you do that? And also they should test the kid for STD 'cause if they were evil enough to put those things it wouldn't surprise me if they had something else


Misfits of Shout Box
how did the parents not see that? looks fake to me. shit is to easy to see them sticking over the bars, and the kid's hand isn't even cut. i blame the father for failing to notice the blades.


I wonder what they hoped to accomplish doing this type of shit. Whatever it is I hope karma catches up to these sons of bitches.


Internet Warrior
I think it's dumb fucking teenagers, thinking it would be funny. Kids are stupid at that age, not thinking things through... Definitely not an excuse but I figure a few 15 years olds are scared shitless right now. Of you have little ones, just be careful.


The Relentless Cynic
Short Bussed
thats pretty despicable, i hope someone finds out who that turd is and force feeds them a box full of razors


Internet Warrior
We had a spade of this at a Theme Park where some prick used to put razor blades on the water slides . The injuries were bad


Fresh Meat
This is when I see the point behind eye for an eye justice.
Find the perps and make them climb the monkey bars with all the razor blades still attached.
Don't let them stop until at least 2 digits are lost.