Rotting Interpreter Found After One Week (1 Viewer)

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Cynical Member
A little somethin' something from my private collection.

There's actually a pretty funny story to this picture.
We are in Helmand, southern Afghanistan. The Brits and Danes live in a camp together in that province. So one day, this "not-so-smart" interpreter decides to travel from the former mentioned camp and back to his humble abode in a British desert uniform. What he didn't know was that the local Taliban doesn't like it when a fellow muslim helps the infidels in rebuilding his own country. :unreal:

Punishment; GSW to the head, left arm ripped off and last but not least, thrown in a creek. This is what we found one week later, still wearing one of his desert boots:


Mors tua, vita mea
Short Bussed
His leg has some straight looking scars, I wonder if someone did some knife work on him in the past.
'terps. Never trusted a damn one of them.
One of ours turned out to be a Jordanian spy, but thats a story for another time.
Such a muddled war.


Cynical Member
I actually had one who was the shit. Smuggled himself from Pakistan to Afghanistan to see his wife and back again to join us when we were on leave. He served with Secret Service before joining our team. Awesome guy. Him and I have been through some messed up things together, so we got ended up getting pretty close. Still talk to him on fb sometimes.
But yeah, basically the rest of the interpreters sucked ass. And probably still do. :)


Mors tua, vita mea
Short Bussed
We had one that sold us Valium and always found the best bread, that was great. Funny thing about that one though, I never could figure out if it was a he or a she, face was always covered and you know how flamboyant alot of arabs are.


Mors tua, vita mea
Short Bussed
Please do share more of your collection.
My time in SWA was spent at Al Taqqadum and Al Asad in Iraq, and Kandahar and Bagram during our time in Afghan. I never got to go "Beyond the wire" as they say, as I'm an Airman.
So no blood and guts for me, we did take 107mm rocket attacks and mortars quite often in both theaters though, but the stupid bastards never hit anything while I was there.


surgeon general
A little somethin' something from my private collection.

There's actually a pretty funny story to this picture.
We are in Helmand, southern Afghanistan. The Brits and Danes live in a camp together in that province. So one day, this "not-so-smart" interpreter decides to travel from the former mentioned camp and back to his humble abode in a British desert uniform. What he didn't know was that the local Taliban doesn't like it when a fellow muslim helps the infidels in rebuilding his own country. :unreal:

Punishment; GSW to the head, left arm ripped off and last but not least, thrown in a creek. This is what we found one week later, still wearing one of his desert boots:
He's in pretty fair condition for a week in that climate. Well, I guess it was time to break out the universal translator, 'eh?


Recovering Lurker
Poor fucker if you ask me. And like what the rest said, not a very smart person to go in with uniforms on especially when the people that invaded your own homeland is still around. He probably thought that he would get a lot of respect from the people around him if they saw him wearing the uniform at his hometown or whatever the fuck he wanted to go to.


In the Prep Room
Agreed, certainly doesn't look like he spent a week in a creek. Or, dead for that matter, especially there. Good post MrEz, thanks!


Cynical Member
Yeah, a week old body would be more bloated. He was definitely tortured and had his arm chopped off, so he may have been interrogated for a couple of days before being killed. :eek: