Warning:Children Rottweiler Holding Onto Kid (1 Viewer)


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California 2

Just curious
How sad for the little boy. Those people would make a poodle aggressive. Probably treated very badly that Rottweiler. Rottweilers need puppy training from the start, they need to be socialized, loved & taken on walks around people and other dogs. Regardless any dog non social, beaten, yelled at or kept on a chain or pen becomes dangerous

Flatus Tube

I have counted to infinity, twice.
The other dog was the most courageous being there.

Just thought you guys might like this. There are good rotties tooπŸ˜‰

Yeah, I know many lovely Rottweilers. Here is one playing with my Labrador. They’ve been good friends since they were both little puppies, and are both lovely dogs who are great with kids.


Davey Stone

You Ain’t Cool, Unless You Pee Your Pants
Chihuahuas are the devil dog. They look like rats. I used to have one named burrito because he was fat and had tiny legs. Well, the little shit would bite my leg for no reason, I if get mad he'd make the puppy dog eyes