bizarre She's Working Hard (1 Viewer)

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Stormy Llewellyn

Forum Veteran
I'm almost sure her boss told her to do that. I worked at grocery retail store once and I needed to go into the freezer stock room for something. It's 10 degrees below zero in there always. There was a maintenance worker way up high on a huge ladder scraping the built up ice from the ceiling. The ladder was in the center of a floor that had ice on it. So many employees have slipped down in there. Hell, I slid several times with rubber soles on my tennis shoes. I just looked up at her and said, "You know, none of us make enough to be doing that..."


A most average man, just even average-er.
I'm almost sure her boss told her to do that. I worked at grocery retail store once and I needed to go into the freezer stock room for something. It's 10 degrees below zero in there always. There was a maintenance worker way up high on a huge ladder scraping the built up ice from the ceiling. The ladder was in the center of a floor that had ice on it. So many employees have slipped down in there. Hell, I slid several times with rubber soles on my tennis shoes. I just looked up at her and said, "You know, none of us make enough to be doing that..."
Retails brutal I've been there, the bosses there are total cunts


Well Known Member
That how the rich value your life, they don't care at all and if shit happen be sure that they will pull out with the help of lawyers and relations.
The worst one by far are the arabs rich they think they can treat you like in the middle age, just look how many foreigner end their won life in the shit hole.