Police Shooting suspect calmly walks away after being shot 5 times (1 Viewer)

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They say cops are trigger happy and there's no need to shoot someone more than once. There's also no need to handcuff someone once they've been incapacitated.
skip to 3:00

this happens always when you got a weak internet connection and you playin some fps


Omelette du Fromage! (PS: DickButt)
Got to absolutely love the fact the officer was waiting for assistance at the start before going in alone, but as soon as he heard a fellow officer had been shot, he bolted straight in to assist. Respect.
Many people don't like cops, but like everywhere there are retards in the force too. Though it is a service we simply can't do without.
I'll always back the blue, unless it becomes the cudgel that is there to oppress me, cops make an oath of service to the people, not to the government and whomever is in charge. If and when they forget that oath, they'll lose my respect.
They will probably award this niggers family with millions of dollars and erect a statue of the black bastard.
Don't forget the riots in the street and the "peaceful protests" whilst setting businesses and cars on fire.


They say cops are trigger happy and there's no need to shoot someone more than once. There's also no need to handcuff someone once they've been incapacitated.
skip to 3:00

Actually;He really didn't calmly walk away;He's just Fkn Stupid,And doesn't know any better! Sooner or later the 🧠 will catch-up,And then He'll B like:Sheit,I'm Dead! Lmao,🤣...SP

Flatus Tube

I have counted to infinity, twice.
The policeman really wanted to see his hands! Must have a fetish 🤪. Got him all excited and out of breath.

Not the best position of the body cam if it is being used for the intended purpose of gathering evidence, cheeky lad. 😂.

I jest, but agree with the fact the cop was professional, contained and did the right things all round.

The baddy was a total Rusty McSkid in the pants of society.


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I spent so much time at that mall as a kid and later as a teenager in high school, it was Sharpstown Mall for years and is now a shadow of its former self as PlazAmericas - this is the best thing I've seen happen there in years!