accident ~Showing Off His Skills~ (1 Viewer)

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Chief Queef

Last of the Mohicans
I still regularly skate/longboard on my morning commute. In my younger years, I've jumped stairs, loading docks, shopping carts, you name it. Never broke a bone but I've wrecked myself a few times. I can't watch these videos without cringing...


"Hiro" aka: "Dolly"... the homo britfag dicksucker
Jesus.... what was he even trying to do? Jump off the top, spin and then land upright at the bottom???.....
This dumb bastard deserves whatever happened.....


Well Known Member

Kapitän Ghul'

Look at me go.
Oh! That slap sounds like a raw stake being thrown onto the table. Guess it's worth it. Helmets are not cool. I know I use to not use one either. Sounds like a joke right??? I just got lucky. Put on some PPE if you are going to do stupid shit... like work.