Crime Something has to be said about the massive Negro takeover (1 Viewer)


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I don’t blame this massive push for diversity and inclusion on black ppl. They didn’t invent it - it’s a white guilt creation.

It’s getting absolutely ridiculous though - commercials of black families enjoying the scent of some laundry detergent in a pristine (white) home. That isn’t reality. An empowered black woman leading the work meeting, going home to an ambiguously white husband. That isn’t reality either.
Everyone is ignoring the fact that this whole mess is being instigated by filthy subhuman Jews. They hate the white race and want it to be destroyed. I fear sounding ignorant but until they are eliminated nothing will change. Conversion and imprisonment solved nothing. The only cure for these vile semites is to exterminate them without mercy. Then burn their writings (bible included) and make it punishable by death to even discuss their existence.And before any of you cry babies start bitching ask yourself "what price survival"?
OK so we are all aware of it, there's nothing new to the agenda that has been forced down our throats the past few years - BUT - Mark Dice kinda says it for me here ... Because recently I had been watching a lot of recent movies. Not just 'fodder' but actual Top 10 and popular movies of this year and last year.
What really stands out is the ridiculous "Token" nigger character in literally EVERY movie!
No matter what the story is .. there's a TOKEN nigger that serves absolutely no purpose in the movie other than to fuck the whole thing up and be the moody / chip on the shoulder for no reason / argumentative / point making / irritating NIGGER in the movie for no reason but to make comments about how white people are a problem etc . It's become beyond annoying.
So many movies I watched could have been (not exaggerating.. TEN times better) if you just remove the stupid token nigger and put a white character there where it should be.
Old historical movies set in the 1800's where the Judge is a nigger? WTF and a police officer is a nigger? Come on man! it just would never have happened. What nigger would be a police officer - much less a WOMAN police officer in the 1800's ? or a Judge in a court presiding cases with the whole golliwog hair? - well done Hollywood!
I can't get more than ten minutes into a movie these days without the token nigger character fucking up my experience. DEI is beyond a JOKE it's just a cruel anti white INSULT it's not just in movies it's EVERYWHERE and yes, we all knew that already ... but surely there's a way to turn this shit around somehow. We (as white people) are just allowing ourselves to be trodden on and disrespected and insulted in the name of diversity.
Be assured .. Diversity is not your friend !!! it's rapidly killing culture and trying to re-write history. IT HAS TO STOP. (I posted this in crime cos what's happening is a fucking crime on society... if I used 'wrong language by saying NGGR just let me know I'll change it to ..... Dunno ... turd with an afro? :shrug: )

Really, can we all speak about anything other than a black guy, any black guy in movies... you must be white, uh, dunno...