bizarre Spicy challenge no reaction (1 Viewer)

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Forum Veteran
Been watching this guy's videos today would say it's all fake. Not so much the products but through editing. It may appear he did these shots in one roll but the video could had been spread out over a course of a month.

The fake, he bites into these foods but immediately spits it out soon after not actually eating anything but edited to appear, even the parts where he is chewing is fake as he is more than likely chewing air.

Luke is a Jew name. All bullshit made by a Jew.
He's got like 12 million followers on youtube, him and spicycam. I think they are legit


Hugh Jassole
Or gluing googly eyes to his penis and starring it in an adult puppet show called Pants Pals where all the guests are penises and vaginas on a small stage performing tricks and having talk shows and stuff.
Yes or this. The coloring book for a first option but if that doesn’t pan out then this for sure. The production, lighting, and casting would be harder than buying a coloring book, but man the food, folks and fun.