animals Squirrels last dinner (1 Viewer)

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Master Baiter..... 🎣🎣🎣

Why are you posting this shite 🤡 we don't like ANIMAL CRUELTY on here

In some areas they make a home stay in your attic to make a nest. An air rifle is more appropriate. While they might seem "cute" they are far from it once they make room in your home.
If any animal other than insects can get in your house then you must live in a shit building 🤷‍♂️ why not fix your house to stop them getting in 🤦‍♂️
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Forum Veteran
The animal killing videos are made for profit, while the old lady being smacked videos are made by surveillance cameras by chance. The latter bring awareness to a crime and should be seen by everyone, the former is just a snuff film made for the sake of killing.
The definition of a SNUFF film is death caused during sexual activity for the erotic stimulation of the veiwer/participant. So from your comment I can naturally assume you get quite a sexual thrill watching squirrells getting snotted? Oh well each to their own. For crissake dont let your mom catch ya thats a hard one to explain.................................

Private Joker

Forum Veteran
YouTube is full of freaks who make videos of themselves killing animals under the guise of legitimate hunting or exterminating purposes, but we all know it's blood money simply to garner clicks and ad revenue. The innocent squirrel peacefully eating seeds in a garden is thus turned into a click bait thumbnail to sucker in average nobodies to satiate their morbid curiosity. Sure we do similar here on GG, but we don't make the videos, we don't profit from creating videos of death - especially of the innocent and most helpless, we hate to see animals suffer and die needlessly.
If he actually used the carcass afterwards then it's legitimate hunting. Tan the pelts and eat the meat, ok. But killing just for the sake of killing is just a dick move. People have been hunting for food for thousands of years. If you live out in the bush fine. But 99% of us don't. We kill enough wildlife just by being humans. Murdering animals for laugh's is bullshit. Sorry for my rant ✌️