bizarre Stupid bitch (2 Viewers)

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If it's stupid and not works, it's fucking stupid.
I think she need a Big Black Hose immediately.


I googled statics and i found %85 of Americans are stupid. %15 are Jews.
You mean 85% of jooos pretend to be white and constantly talk about how bad “we” white people are when it is convenient for them. Then they are a minority the next situation it is beneficial for them. Once you can recognize the features of a joooish face, you then understand how prominent of a problem it is.


I did just about exactly the same thing once when I came home bladdered from the boozer. seemed like a good idea to make some chips. Put the chip pan on. Sat down on the sofa. Fatal move. i woke up some time later with the chip pan on fire.

Chucking a bucket of water over it seemed like a good idea….