Funny Sum Ting Wong (1 Viewer)

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Bruno Puntz Jones

Well Known Member
Gotta keep your dogs happy! The American Kennel Club recommends allowing your dogs at least one leg-hump a month to gain their gratitude and ensure they do not eat your face off after you die of a stroke and are not found for a week until your putrefying stink reaches the neighbors.

(By the way, I see you jerking off to this video! Yeah, you! Stop it! You ought to be ashamed of yourself. You need professional help, you sicko!)


gots book-learnins
Gotta keep your dogs happy! The American Kennel Club recommends allowing your dogs at least one leg-hump a month to gain their gratitude and ensure they do not eat your face off after you die of a stroke and are not found for a week until your putrefying stink reaches the neighbors.

(By the way, I see you jerking off to this video! Yeah, you! Stop it! You ought to be ashamed of yourself. You need professional help, you sicko!)
No way! I covered the camera with a piece of tape.
Also, I'm not jerking off now.