The Queen: Times nearly up. (1 Viewer)

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Master Baiter..... 🎣🎣🎣
Haha all the crying fat Americans and people from other shit countries on here giving it large like their countries and leaders are any better 🤦‍♂️

You yanks have a pedophile running your country, you Russians are a joke you cant even beat Ukraine a country much smaller and weaker than you and they're kicking your arses on the daily...

And we all know you wish you were British 😁 the Americans on here hating the uk, what language is it you're speaking again?

What system is your whole country built on again?

And all the other fools slating the uk you wish your country was as great as ours, half of you likely live in a third world shit hole and earn in one month what we earn in a day..

The uk is and will always be the number one country in the world

I love America but jeez some of you are ignorant fucks


Forum Veteran
Long live the king
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Driving Roughshod
Aside from her behavior immediately after Diana died, which was influenced by her horse's ass of a husband, Queen Elizabeth has IMO been an excellent example of what the monarchy should represent. Her death will certainly mark an end of an era thats seen monumental change both domestically and abroad. While I can't say I'm particularly fond of the British royalty I'll admit to being sad in thinking of her passing.

As for Chuckles being king, meh....he's a cunt. If the monarchy is to continue should just skip Charles and go right to William (who you may not know was named in my honour).



A bit of WWII history about to pass away.
Prior to WWII , England was a formidable opponent.
In 1939 the British Empire and the Commonwealth together comprised a global power, with direct or de facto political and economic control of 25% of the world's population, and of 30% of its land mass.
The Brits managed to withstand a horrible 7 month constant bombing campaign by Hitlers air force.
Night and day. You never knew when the distinct whistles of German bombs had your name on it. This is known as the " BLITZ" .
Handing Hitler his first realistic defeat. And severely hurting morale in the German ranks.

Queen E was about 13 years old during the blitz. She has vivid memories of the relentless 7 month, day & night bombings. Especially being her house, Buckingham Palace was bombed 9 times !!!
Personally, not a big Brit fan. But they are some tough SOB's . I am glad the Brits were Americas friends.
Thanks for the History but still...fuck that Bitch


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And we all know you wish you were British 😁 the Americans on here hating the uk, what language is it you're speaking again?

What system is your whole country built on again?

And all the other fools slating the uk you wish your country was as great as ours, half of you likely live in a third world shit hole and earn in one month what we earn in a day..

The uk is and will always be the number one country in the world

I love America but jeez some of you are ignorant fucks
Good comment. I certainly am happy i speak English. Instant access to the world.
Also glad the English got the Irish to speak English, or Ireland would be even more of a backwater than it is now.
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I have mixed feelings about the House of Windsor, the now-deceased Queen, the state of the peerage in the modern United Kingdom, and, of course, monarchical systems of government in general. I'm an American, after all.

As @Rosie indicates, it's true that QEII & co. brought in net revenue for the UK simply by being royals. In essence, they're a combination museum piece/tourist attraction; natives may feel more deeply about the matter, but natives aren't a source of revenue flowing into the UK from the outside, since they live there. If the royals were all abolished tomorrow, their lands ceded to the UK government, and their wealth redistributed, the average citizen of the UK would receive the equivalent of a small Christmas bonus, while the UK would lose a major component of its global tourism appeal.

The Queen herself was certainly a bit arrogant (heard on occasion disparaging working-class people, ordinary neighborhoods, etc.), she was heir to a dynasty ultimately won by blood as all dynasties are, and there's no doubt that she was privileged; but given all of that, she seems to have done the best she could with what she was born into. The British Empire (which was still fairly extensive, when she was crowned) shrank to nothing during her reign, but she tried mightily to induce various nations to voluntarily partake in the "Commonwealth" by her own diplomatic efforts. She did her part to help the UK put its best foot forward from an "optics" standpoint, starting way back when she put on a uniform during WW2.

Of course some of her family members were degenerates, and of course she tried to keep it quiet to save the House's reputation. That is part and parcel of royal families.

Anyway, keep in mind that American oligarchs (major CEOs, multibillionaires, tech giants, captains of industry, etc.) have far more money than the House of Windsor, they control far more land than the House of Windsor, they participate in more sinister activities and backroom dealings, they cause more tangible harm, they do less tangible good, and they actually also benefit more from public tax dollars (subsidies, tax breaks/writeoffs, handouts, bailouts, grants, etc.) than anyone on the planet. They put politicians into their pockets, they're corrupt, they're ruthless, and together, megacorporations (all billionaires own/are affiliated with megacorporations) essentially control our world.

And they did not "earn" this through being smarter than everyone else and hard work. That is a myth. Most got there by being born wealthy, going to the right schools, and being connected with the right people.


⸸ I am the End ⸸
The Royal Queen of Pedophilia dies and everyone all of sudden forgets all about the horrors this entire family has bestowed on the world... Good riddance you scumwhore!!!