Funny When u can't afford to buy chairs (1 Viewer)

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Forum Veteran
We all hold the Chinese people in high regard, recognizing their reputation for unwavering honesty, deep-rooted honor, and a strong sense of pride. Their integrity is often seen as a cornerstone of their cultural identity. However, the video in question has cast a shadow of doubt upon these perceptions, leaving us deeply disheartened and struggling to reconcile these conflicting images. The emotional weight of this revelation is so profound that it hinders our ability to articulate our feelings fully.
We all hold the Chinese people in high regard, recognizing their reputation for unwavering honesty, deep-rooted honor, and a strong sense of pride. Their integrity is often seen as a cornerstone of their cultural identity. However, the video in question has cast a shadow of doubt upon these perceptions, leaving us deeply disheartened and struggling to reconcile these conflicting images. The emotional weight of this revelation is so profound that it hinders our ability to articulate our feelings fully.
You using some program for your posts now? You generally speak/type like a retard.


certified silly fella
ew she got that fleabag 'clair' haircut.

Bruno Puntz Jones

Forum Veteran
We all hold the Chinese people in high regard, recognizing their reputation for unwavering honesty, deep-rooted honor, and a strong sense of pride. Their integrity is often seen as a cornerstone of their cultural identity. However, the video in question has cast a shadow of doubt upon these perceptions, leaving us deeply disheartened and struggling to reconcile these conflicting images. The emotional weight of this revelation is so profound that it hinders our ability to articulate our feelings fully.
Really, dude, where the fuck did that come from? D’où ça vient?

ew she got that fleabag 'clair' haircut.
View attachment 796472
I love bobs on women. Though, that one's a little wonky.

Brutal Cannon

His Dudeness
Fortunately the "ladies" in question were ran over by a dipshit riding a dirt bike, which was then struck by a cement truck, and of course the cement then encased them in a stony tomb. And that my children is how the speed bump on Route 13 came to pass.


gots book-learnins
You using some program for your posts now? You generally speak/type like a retard.
This reminds me of various episodes of TV shows in which some stupid person suddenly appears smart for a very short time. The oldest one that I remember is Goober from the old Andy Griffith show. He grows a beard and starts talking a lot, as though he knows things. I believe Homer Simpson did something like that, also. It would be difficult for stupid person to do in person, but easy to cut-and-paste.