beatings White Pride Wednesday (1 Viewer)

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Crusty piss fenders
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Only in reverse the younger generation is catching up.
View attachment 756877
Idk about to this extreme with shooting mostly old people shopping just because they were black… etc but beating peoples asses or purging all those gangbangin ghetto fucks and their crime ridden culture from the face of the earth would be a lot better… the ones who actually live normally and work hard are fine in my book🤷🏻


Radical problems REQUIRE Radical solutions
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Idk about to this extreme with shooting mostly old people shopping just because they were black… etc but beating peoples asses or purging all those gangbangin ghetto fucks and their crime ridden culture from the face of the earth would be a lot better… the ones who actually live normally and work hard are fine in my book🤷🏻
I’ve seen “good” blacks give birth to ghetto ones because black people value a shit culture over all else. I once knew a black kid growing up his dad was a police officer his mother was a judge and he was a gang banger rapist.

Great video compilation N O T O R I O U S. Keep these types going.
Thanks buddy


Radical problems REQUIRE Radical solutions
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I liked the part where the nig☆☆ger got shot.... funny shit
Me too that’s why I share them with my friends. Yeah I get some shit from some people like they forget they are on a gore website but whatever it’s all checks and balances my friend .


Crusty piss fenders
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I’ve seen “good” blacks give birth to ghetto ones because black people value a shit culture over all else. I once knew a black kid growing up his dad was a police officer his mother was a judge and he was a gang banger rapist.

Thanks buddy
Then he qualifies to be removed from existence 😂


Radical problems REQUIRE Radical solutions
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Then he qualifies to be removed from existence 😂
I blame the woman who determines other peoples fates and sends them to prison yet ignores her own child’s niggerdom , or the cop dad who knew his son was a menace to the community but went to work to arrest other peoples kids for dumb shit. If you ask me they should see him go then they should go because if they are all gone at once they can all reincarnate and come back one level higher…. As Russians


Fresh Meat
Well I know the rules of gore but yall already know I got something to say everytime, with a smile so let me get in yall ass.98percent of Democrat congress is white,98percent of republican congress is white.Joe biden is white.Donald Trump is also white.starting from columbine high-school on down to walking in 1st grade classes and decapitating the children,malls,churches,grocery stores,colleges,walmarts etc white mass shooters.Yall have the nerve to still like eachother?🤣Still have the nerve to try and take a stance as if yall are being done wrong when you ugly wonder woman invisible plane looking muthasukas are literally fukin the entire planet up and then try and talk that Democrat republican shit to throw a blanket on the facts.when yall start fuking eachother up over yalls goofy ass politic war,you know what the niggers gonna be doing.Chillin,having a good time,eating some good food,smoking some good weed,fuking some good pussy and some of yall women gonna be there and some of yall gonna be there too🤣we gonna be eating crawfish,catfish,BBQ steak,doing the electric slide trying to come up with a Donald Trump club dance.yall too funny but I love yall😁😁


Revolt Against the Modern World
Well I know the rules of gore but yall already know I got something to say everytime, with a smile so let me get in yall ass.98percent of Democrat congress is white,98percent of republican congress is white.Joe biden is white.Donald Trump is also white.starting from columbine high-school on down to walking in 1st grade classes and decapitating the children,malls,churches,grocery stores,colleges,walmarts etc white mass shooters.Yall have the nerve to still like eachother?🤣Still have the nerve to try and take a stance as if yall are being done wrong when you ugly wonder woman invisible plane looking muthasukas are literally fukin the entire planet up and then try and talk that Democrat republican shit to throw a blanket on the facts.when yall start fuking eachother up over yalls goofy ass politic war,you know what the niggers gonna be doing.Chillin,having a good time,eating some good food,smoking some good weed,fuking some good pussy and some of yall women gonna be there and some of yall gonna be there too🤣we gonna be eating crawfish,catfish,BBQ steak,doing the electric slide trying to come up with a Donald Trump club dance.yall too funny but I love yall😁😁
You mean jail crawfish.
