bizarre Why very smart scientists get it wrong. (1 Viewer)

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Victor of Hades
Don't listen to this asshole, Pre-lying-guy science was established long before these 'New Age Creators (Marxists)'. You can always pick a Marxist out of the crowd, they use one thousand words in every sentence



Wouldn't that argument work in the reverse except it would be a better conclusion to make? Why would one make an assumption that the supernatural is a better conclusion than the logical conclusion? I mean I have seen dinosaurs. And I never understood why it's called Gods word when it comes from man. Or we are to "assume" that the men who wrote the Bible did it under divine intervention? You can see the problem with the argument in the video now.


Well Known Member
Wouldn't that argument work in the reverse except it would be a better conclusion to make? Why would one make an assumption that the supernatural is a better conclusion than the logical conclusion? I mean I have seen dinosaurs. And I never understood why it's called Gods word when it comes from man. Or we are to "assume" that the men who wrote the Bible did it under divine intervention? You can see the problem with the argument in the video now.
If at the very least, evolution doesn't make any more sense than creation. And that's really the whole point, to demonstrate how flawed the whole evolution movement is. If someone can't believe the bible, it certainly doesn't make any more sense to believe in evolution.


If at the very least, evolution doesn't make any more sense than creation. And that's really the whole point, to demonstrate how flawed the whole evolution movement is. If someone can't believe the bible, it certainly doesn't make any more sense to believe in evolution.
Evolution is easily proven and makes perfect sense. We live on a planet that is in constant sometimes drastic changes and in order for a biological being to survive on thus planet these beings must evolve and change with it in order to survive. Like the reason our simian cousins have hair still and we don't. It's because man living in a tropical or arid region started building shelters which means he was working extremely hard in the heat and in order to compensate the cells in the body stopped the growing of hair on most of the body. This reduces heat exhaustion and also makes it so the body can focus the energy it was using to grow this hair elsewhere making it easier for the biological being to survive.


Well Known Member
Evolution is easily proven and makes perfect sense. We live on a planet that is in constant sometimes drastic changes and in order for a biological being to survive on thus planet these beings must evolve and change with it in order to survive. Like the reason our simian cousins have hair still and we don't. It's because man living in a tropical or arid region started building shelters which means he was working extremely hard in the heat and in order to compensate the cells in the body stopped the growing of hair on most of the body. This reduces heat exhaustion and also makes it so the body can focus the energy it was using to grow this hair elsewhere making it easier for the biological being to survive.
Those are signs of micro evolution, that we know are real. Macro evolution is species changing into entirely different species and there is no verifiable evidence to prove it. We would see transitional species, the fossil records would prove it, and the apes that we "evolved" from what have all evolved. Macro evolution is definitely not easily proven.


Those are signs of micro evolution, that we know are real. Macro evolution is species changing into entirely different species and there is no verifiable evidence to prove it. We would see transitional species, the fossil records would prove it, and the apes that we "evolved" from what have all evolved. Macro evolution is definitely not easily proben
Macro evolution is a species having the same ancestors but not being able to survive in the same environment. This has been documented and proven. There was a village on top of one of the highest mountains in China and the villagers weren't able to go down the mountain after an earthquake destroyed the only trail down the mountain in the 1300's. The village was discovered by an aerial team recording the topography of the mountain because earthquakes had become so frequent the mountain was starting to break apart. Scientists used helicopters to be dropped off in a location where they could then hike up to the village. But only two of the people that were involved could make it to the village because all others became altitude sick. Later the ground under the village began to collapse from large sinkholes so the village was evacuated. But when they reached the bottom of the mountain all the villagers became violently ill and died within a few days. They had lived so long in an environment that had very little oxygen so when they were exposed to a climate with triple the amount their bodies couldn't process it. They had the same ancestors as us but now couldn't live in the se environment in which they were from because they had macro-evolved.


Hope Mojo dies
Macro evolution is a species having the same ancestors but not being able to survive in the same environment. This has been documented and proven. There was a village on top of one of the highest mountains in China and the villagers weren't able to go down the mountain after an earthquake destroyed the only trail down the mountain in the 1300's. The village was discovered by an aerial team recording the topography of the mountain because earthquakes had become so frequent the mountain was starting to break apart. Scientists used helicopters to be dropped off in a location where they could then hike up to the village. But only two of the people that were involved could make it to the village because all others became altitude sick. Later the ground under the village began to collapse from large sinkholes so the village was evacuated. But when they reached the bottom of the mountain all the villagers became violently ill and died within a few days. They had lived so long in an environment that had very little oxygen so when they were exposed to a climate with triple the amount their bodies couldn't process it. They had the same ancestors as us but now couldn't live in the se environment in which they were from because they had macro-evolved.
Could you post a link to that story please?


Forum Veteran
If at the very least, evolution doesn't make any more sense than creation. And that's really the whole point, to demonstrate how flawed the whole evolution movement is. If someone can't believe the bible, it certainly doesn't make any more sense to believe in evolution.
Well to be fair there is scientific evidence backed by evolution. Look at the silver back gorilla some of your big nosed niggers. There’s even some niggers that are very closely related to orangutans. Chimpanzees however look similar to Asians though they don’t have the slanted eyes on the primates. Humans are only 2% different to primates. It’s similar to a stupid dog breed and and intelligent dog breed.


Well Known Member
I refuse to believe anything given to me in a TikTok format.
Short and simple and to the point honey. Let's be honest, if I post a 15 or 20 minute video who's gonna watch it? I keep it short for you guys.

Macro evolution is a species having the same ancestors but not being able to survive in the same environment. This has been documented and proven. There was a village on top of one of the highest mountains in China and the villagers weren't able to go down the mountain after an earthquake destroyed the only trail down the mountain in the 1300's. The village was discovered by an aerial team recording the topography of the mountain because earthquakes had become so frequent the mountain was starting to break apart. Scientists used helicopters to be dropped off in a location where they could then hike up to the village. But only two of the people that were involved could make it to the village because all others became altitude sick. Later the ground under the village began to collapse from large sinkholes so the village was evacuated. But when they reached the bottom of the mountain all the villagers became violently ill and died within a few days. They had lived so long in an environment that had very little oxygen so when they were exposed to a climate with triple the amount their bodies couldn't process it. They had the same ancestors as us but now couldn't live in the se environment in which they were from because they had macro-evolved.
You might wanna look up what macro evolution is. Because I don't think you understand the difference between macro and micro evolution.


Forum Veteran
What people who dismiss evolutionary theory do not understand is the concept of deep time.

Given enough time anything is possible. I'm currently reading 'The Rise And Fall Of The Third Chimpanzee' which makes some interesting points about human evolution. For millions of years we stagnated culturally and then some tiny genetic anomally happened and we had muscles and nerves and a palate that allowed for speech. And then we really took off.

We were all modern humans by 60 000 years ago.
Even Charles Darwin reminded people that evolution is just a theory. It still is. As far as I'm concerned, there's too much evidence not only around us on Earth, but in our Universe as a whole, that points to intelligent design.
The hard thing to understand about the theory of evolution is deep time. We only really think of time in terms of one lifetime.

Maybe 100 years.

We can just about get our head around the Roman or Egyptian times (5000 years max).

It's when we are faced with 5 million years or 5 billion years that our idea of time gets confussed.

It's like Einstein's stuff. We are used to time at below light speed where physics is Newtonian. Get to light speed and weird stuff happens.

So given enough time tiny changes begin to have big spin off effects that mimic intelligent design.