disaster ~Woman Self Immolates Outside Her Flat~ (1 Viewer)

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Varmint Hunter

I'd go to hell just to shoot the Devil in the face
They saved her, hopefully, from what it looks like here.

As someone who had dated a Muslim girl (Algerian), I will say that if anybody ever falls in love with a Muslim or Indian girl, you better go all the way. You love her all the way, or you don't. There is no "just dating around". Because there are some extreme fuckheads with extreme beliefs in those two crowds and if they find out that one of theirs is going with you, they WILL try to harm her. And what are you gonna do as a man? Just let them stone or kill her and do nothing? Naah. My girl luckily didn't come from a family where there are extremist believers who wanted to harm her for dating an "unbeliever", but she knew what I would do if somebody was gonna fuck with her about it. I always say that "I am an American gun nut, and I can easily become an American nut with a gun if I need to"...

Get ready to go fast, or get the fuck off the blacktop, boy...

The guy behind her is obviously recording so it must be pre arranged for her to immediately go inside where wet towels and a bucket of water is waiting. Where she fails is how contrived it all is. If you're going to really make a statement for a cause, you go sit out on the road and stay there until you become a smouldering smiling piece of charcoal.
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Luv inside of the human body

View attachment 681048
Man. That tree is incredible old. Amazing that they care about that tree.




View attachment 681048

Goofy bitch


A guy who knew a guy who knew Ed Gein
Even still it's a hell of a way to make a statement.

Those vids were entertaining as fuck. Thanks

And if any female here feels the need to self immoliate. Please contact me first. We can talk . We can party.. we can even take s drive through Beverley Hills just before dawn and knock the little Jockeys off the rich proples lawns. And before they get up we'll be gone. Yeah .. Well be knocking the jockeys off the lawns..
Its all just cosmic debris.

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