Do you think serial killers are mentally ill? (1 Viewer)

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Well Known Member
Well, I don't want to kill anybody, but if I had some super power that could cause people to black out for a while, there's a few I'd just love to line up and smack 'em in the face with a two by four...
My kind of superpower šŸ‘€

my car won't start
do you guys think it's broken or just stupid? insert long paragraph full of words i think sound smart... i just thought i'd ask a mechanical question of people who are not mechanics, and pretend it's philosophy
i'm a gore fiend, duhhhh
You asked a question
Do you guys think people reading this are more likely to take my side when I express a contrarian view while arguing with the person who asked? even though I didnā€™t really put forth a definitive answerā€¦ I just thought Iā€™d take the time to be a bit of an annoying cunt, and hope that people like me purely for going against the grain and offering an attack rather than an answer, purely to be ā€˜that guyā€™. Durrrrr
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"Okay, I've saved my favorite group for last. The maniacs and crazy people. Yeah. The ones who live out where the buses don't run. And I distinguish between maniacs and crazy people. A maniac will beat nine people to death with a steel dildo. A crazy person will beat nine people to death with a steel dildo, but he'll be wearing a Bugs Bunny suit at the time. So you can't put them all away. You know you got to keep some of them around just for the entertainment. Like a guy who tells you the King of Sweden is using his penis as a radio transmitter to send anti-semitic lesbian meatloaf recipies to Soupy Sales and Marvin Hamlisch. A guy like that you want to give him his own radio show. No, the maniac farm will be reserved strictly for hopeless cases. Like a guy who gets a big tattoo on his chest of Liza Minnelli taking a shit, you know? And he tells you if he wiggles a certain way it looks like she's wiping her ass, you know? A guy like that, you want to get him into custody as quickly as possible. Now, for the maniac farm, I think there's no question we got to go with Utah." - George Carlin in "State Prison Farms" from Back in Town (1996)
I really, really miss George! :(


Well Known Member
Not half as crazy as the government who say they can't be tried for their crimes.
They know what they want, and take it. How is that crazy?
I thought a man was nuts who said the CIA put a chip in his tooth to control him.
Imagine my shock decades later the transmitter for those instructions was disclosed by the DC Navel Yard shooter.
People aren't crazy, they are just ignorant.

it's a kinda a fact that serial killers exhibit patterns of behavior that deviate, you know, like hugely from societal norms.

Research in psychology and neuroscience consistently demonstrates that individuals who engage in serial killing often display abnormalities in brain structure and function. These abnormalities can contribute to a range of psychiatric disorders, including antisocial personality disorder, psychopathy, and other conditions that impair impulse control, empathy, and moral reasoning. So yes, they are indeed mentally ill.
They would say the same thing about you. Just because you are to ignorant to understand is not their fault.
That they get away with it for so long, and their victims don't, shows they have more sense.
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All serial killers have Antisocial Personality disorder which is a mental illness. Some are psychopaths, some are not. Rarely they are schizophrenic but not nearly as often as one might expect.


Well Known Member
All serial killers have Antisocial Personality disorder which is a mental illness. Some are psychopaths, some are not. Rarely they are schizophrenic but not nearly as often as one might expect.
What if itā€™s not an illness so much as the way we should be, but most now arenā€™t?


There's actually very few humans that have been labeled "serial killers" that should not better be labeled "serial murderers" which would be more precise & the latter the more worrisome kind. Killing another isn't always murder. It's like you're giving them an out & saying they didn't know right from wrong, never did... or rather some psychiatrist that works in a prison or for a state board has labeled them that & their motives are always questionable IMO because they're getting paid to do so (& these psychiatrists are sometimes of the lower calibre when it comes to who might be considered best in their professional field often, that's why they work there).
Most knew right from wrong & did it anyway & of those, do you trust them to even tell the truth especially if their last appeal hasn't been exhausted?
Also the stats are incorrect as they're based on solved crimes but oodles of crimes haven't been solved & then there's plenty that were incorrect that were & lots of these assessments in labeling someone a "serial killer" utilize those. So, how accurate can it all be?


Isnt that obvious that they in some way are fucked in the head.
Let's say they only killed monstrous, kid rapists, and essentially pieces of shit most of society would be glad they're no longer a part of with... would you call those guys fucked in the head or I dunno, cops & give them service medals? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Fresh Meat
As someone who can relate to these guys a lot more than the next person, I feel like the diagnoses that are slapped on serial killers by prison shrinks are given to them a bit too haphazardly/eagerly. I feel as if a normal person would desperately be looking for a reason to dismiss this behavior as ā€œmental illnessā€ rather than admit that the capability to do the types of things they have done lives inside each one of us, and is a naturally occurring desire even. I think many serial killers are misdiagnosed with things in order to discredit them as well. Itā€™s a commonly held belief that these guys kill for fame, so if you go ahead and say a murderer is schizophrenic it stains their credibility and makes it easier for the observer to set themselves apart from the killer in question. This all makes me think that they are more lenient in attributing certain behaviors exhibited by the prisoner to mental illnesses that would further paint a calm, lucid man who presents as sane, instead as crazy. I donā€™t think they are crazy, just different.
ā€¦What do you fine folk think?
I think they are fed up Dealing with spoon fed,spoiled ass,selfish,evil motherfuckers who where mask as if they good people like a lot of cocksuckers right in this Goregrish

evil retard

room temperature iq
Short Bussed
that is some bullshit. your argument is that serial killers are different? yes. no shit, sherlock. serial killers are too different. that is why we keep those godless kikes in cages. we call those differences "mental disorders" because of how fucking perverted they are. call yourself whatever you like, fag; you're still batshit crazy. :eyebrows:



Well Known Member
Mental illness is most likely a factor in being a serial killer because they are killing people. That's pretty messed up. Now if you have a person killing because they feel a certain way towards certain individuals yea mental illness, the fixation. To be fixated on killing is quite abnormal. To think about killing is normal to an extent, but to obsess or actually plan killing, well that's just unacceptable in the sanity play book. But at the same time it is necessary to kill those that kill. BECAUSE THEY MADE IT KILL OR BE KILLED, THEY PUT THAT ON THE SYSTEM. We live in a society and we have norms that separate us, from those that are incapable, the mentally ill serial killing guys.

Sane serial killers, they don't exist. The system is wrong for trying to convince those people they are sane, but it is a catch 22 when there is killing to do.