Mass shooting in Lewiston, Maine. (1 Viewer)

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ReallyJess is my fabulous Fag-hag
I googled his name and as always he is on anti-psychotic drugs, as is usual with mass shooters. He's also on a sex offender registry and was just let out of a mental hospital because he threatened to shoot up everything, clearly a man of his word he is following through with that promise tonight.
Is it common practise in the States to just lest psychos buy guns? Or do they get a special dispensation....?


R A S K O L U C C I ___ R A S K O L U C C I
the gov't dumped tons of somalis into lewiston several years ago, basically destroying it
He is not somali. He was from usarmy

Another crazy fucker with plenty of firepower to fuel his mental delusions. Why can't the government remove weapons from crazy people is beyond me. This guy is crazy and threatened to shoot people. What more do you need?
Canada made a good decision after a big mass shooting : no more war weapons to civilians. USA must follow canada idea
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White is right. Keep the white race pure🫡
Typical Republican. Wishing death on your own countryman. It’s that kind of hate mongering that caused your party to splinter into a million pieces and why you lot can’t win elections anymore. Cope harder, insurrectionist.
Aren’t you the ones who kill babies? Lmao

Talk about irony
Typical Republican. Wishing death on your own countryman. It’s that kind of hate mongering that caused your party to splinter into a million pieces and why you lot can’t win elections anymore. Cope harder, insurrectionist.
Your name says it all dummy


We Shoulda Picked Our Own Cotton.
Anyone with a mental health background should be allowed to have guns so we can see mass-shootings in the news and say “thoughts & prayers.”


You're in denial. Most mass shootings are committed by white males.
my guy if the majority of us is white, then a majority of crimes would be white, and yet black gun violence is such a close second its hilarious, no way you are going to tell me that when you dont even make up a quarter the population still have huge representation in mass shooting collages.


Just a little PSA, last year when this was happening it was on the news. Apparently he shot himself before he could be arrested. Seems prison scared the little bugger.