Serious What Went Through Your Mind When You First Watched Gore? (3 Viewers)

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Death Is But A Single Moment But Misery Is Forever
My First Experience With Gore Was Through CrazyShit.Com And Was The Infamous Facebook Suicide Where A Man After His Girlfriend Breaks Up With Him Takes A Some Sort Of Shot Gun I Think 12 Guage And Blows His Brain's Out I Think Everyone Knows It And I Was Traumatized For Like 2 Days Then I Watched It Again And It Wasn't That Bad Now I'm Basically Addicted👌


My first experience was with when I was 20 or 21. I don't remember exact age. Lol. Not videos, only images. My interest in gore is not consistent. It comes and goes in phases. To me, it was either educational purposes or to cure a morbid curiosity.
Reactions to the videos can be quite similar to scenes in horror movies. An anxiety release at times of feeling scared and/or shocked. It is never a pleasant feeling. I can't say that I enjoy viewing it. Sometimes when I feel sad, it is all letting me feel emotions that I tend to keep bottled up inside me. Along with my morbid curiosity that still lingers.


First time i watched it was when them two scandinavian college chicks got kidnapped in Morocco, and they filmed cutting her head off while still being alive


R. Budd Dwyer suicide, I thought what a piece of shit to do that on television. Damn that fucker bled out his nose, ears, and mouth fast. Fuckin sick.

Jessica Fletcher. 🍳

𝙰𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚕𝚊 𝚘𝚏 𝙳𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚑.
My First Experience With Gore Was Through CrazyShit.Com And Was The Infamous Facebook Suicide Where A Man After His Girlfriend Breaks Up With Him Takes A Some Sort Of Shot Gun I Think 12 Guage And Blows His Brain's Out I Think Everyone Knows It And I Was Traumatized For Like 2 Days Then I Watched It Again And It Wasn't That Bad Now I'm Basically Addicted👌
I know this one too.
Full metal jacket.


Forum Veteran
I realised I went off track so I edited my comment, the first thing running through my mind when I watched my first video was fucking hell I didn't even think this was legal to be posted online for people to watch around the world...

I think I found Rotten.Com when I was 13 or 14 (I am now 28), I was looking for pictures of dead jews at concrentration camps as ever since I was a kid I was fascinated by WW2 and wanted to see first-hand some of the bold claims I was reading online which evidently turned out to be true, if anything they toned it down. I was paranoid about someone finding my search history but once I worked out how to clear it I was good to go, I have since showed friends some videos (some of the more tame ones actually no beheadings just shootings and factory accidents, and they just tell me "turn that fucking shit off, I don't want to watch that what is wrong with you, do you like this stuff?").

So I no longer show anyone videos on my phone as 99% of the time they think I'm sick and twisted and deeply disturbed. I used to watch stuff on BestGore and then it got shut down, I stumbled across this site sometime last year and it is by far the best going, lots of community interaction, and reading some other peoples comments has me in stitches of laughter, and often are better than the content itself how each user analyses a video... It it's also nice to know I am not alone in wanting to watch this as a form of entertainment. That's enough of my life story :)

Dead Christ

Saw It Coming
I think I was really really young (below the age of 11 I believe) when I saw REAL gore, I had accidentally come across a video of someone getting their eye cut open with a blade and I think I was just sort of enamored ever since. I saw my first horror movie at 3 years old and I've just been interested in the real and fake sides of it all ever since.