Your most prolific serial killer in your opinion (1 Viewer)

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Samuel Little (A Black Man)From Wikipedia:

Samuel Little (born Samuel McDowell; June 7, 1940 – December 30, 2020) was an American serial killer who confessed to murdering 93 women between 1970 and 2005.[5] In 2014 he was convicted of the murders of Linda Alford, Guadalupe Duarte Apodaca, and Audrey Nelson Everett, and in 2018 for the murder of Denise Christie Brothers as well as several others in 2019. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)'s Violent Criminal Apprehension Program (ViCAP) has confirmed Little's involvement in at least 60 of the 93 confessed murders, the largest number of confirmed victims for any serial killer in United States history.[2][6][7][8][9][10]

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Edward Washburn. He would kidnap little girls and then send bits of body parts of the child's remains to their families in the mail with love letters and vhs tapes of raping the girls sometimes while they were dead. Describing how the girls enjoyed it and that they were the highest pussy he every had.

When they arrested him his brother sent a bomb to the judge, prosecutor and some jury members before going on a mass shooting at the jail Edward was being held in.

While Edward was in prison he was responsible for 42 murders this included 2 prison guards and a brutal rape of a nurse staff before finally losing his life from a prison riot in 1977.


A most average man, just even average-er.

Harold Shipman. They don’t even know how many he killed. But it’s thought to be over 250.​

Yes i agree, good answer! I was immediately going to answer with the infamous Pedro Lopez, but Harold Shipman more than likely exceeds Perdro in terms of sheer numbers of murders!
Lets be fair though from my past experiences, MOST doctors are total cunts!..😅

IMO If we are talking about pure volume of murders commited by a seemingly "normal" person then Harold Shipman is most likely the winner.
But if we are talking about the most torturous/sadistic murders commited AND recorded by another seemingly "normal" person then i would personally have to vouch for the underrated Robert Berdella.
A lot of people havent heard of him, but he is one sick puppy!
He actually wrote down his methods and there are quite a few photos that you can view on the internet involving his victims during the process! Im genuinely surprised that the pictures arent uploaded on this site yet!
Please can you let me know if you've already heard of him and seen the footage, or if i've given you a new sicko to reseach?
Nice one guys.
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this creepy fucker



Cuddler of cats
Edward Washburn. He would kidnap little girls and then send bits of body parts of the child's remains to their families in the mail with love letters and vhs tapes of raping the girls sometimes while they were dead. Describing how the girls enjoyed it and that they were the highest pussy he every had.

When they arrested him his brother sent a bomb to the judge, prosecutor and some jury members before going on a mass shooting at the jail Edward was being held in.

While Edward was in prison he was responsible for 42 murders this included 2 prison guards and a brutal rape of a nurse staff before finally losing his life from a prison riot in 1977.
Do you have any links? I'm into serial killers and had never heard of him. Googling doesn't yield any relevant results.


Most of the guys I was thinking about were already mentioned so I'm gonna put a guy who I heard about recently.


Patrtick Kearney, AKA The Trash Bag Killer. Guy killed 35 boys/men over the span of 13 years between 1962-1975 in southern California. He was called the Trash Bag Killer because he would dispose all of his victims by dumping their bodies wrapped in his signature trash bag. His modus was that he would lure young boys into some secluded place and when they're distracted, he would shoot them in the back of the head, killing them instantly. Afterwards, he would have sex with the corpses as well as bathe in their blood then dismembered them into trash bags. He used to butcher animals so whenever police would find the bodies, it would be expertly cut and dry. He got caught because of his last victim who ppl saw him with and also because of his signature trash bag that they were able to trace him with. Apparently, only reason he isn't that well known was that there were other active serial killers at that time and also the fact he pleaded guilty immediately upon his capture. An interesting anecdote when they interviewed him was that he saw himself as only 3/10 evil because he never tortured his victims, showing his twisted view on reality.

As a final note, just gonna leave a more detailed explanation of his modus:

"Kearney would mainly pick up male hitchhikers or homosexual men from gay bars and shoot them, usually in the temple, above the ear, with a .22-caliber derringer. Most of the victims were killed while asleep or distracted. After murdering them, he would take the bodies to a secluded place and engage in acts of necrophilia, then take them home, where they would be sodomized with X-Acto knives. They were then mutilated and dismembered with hacksaws. As a forensic countermeasure, he would sometimes extract the bullets from their heads and then dispose of the bodies in canyons, landfills, and along the freeways, usually in trash bags, earning him his current nickname.

Alternatively, Kearney would take the bodies to the desert to be eaten by animals. He would also drain his victims' blood to eliminate odors and sometimes even bathe the dismembered body parts to minimize the blood and eliminate fingerprint evidence. Kearney would sometimes beat his victims' bodies to get a sensation of power over them and also to suppress his anger. Additionally, some of his victims resembled bullies from his childhood and adolescence. With his younger victims, Kearney smothered them and then dismembered their bodies, just like he did with his older victims."



Richard Ramirez I guess? He raped elderly women before killing them and I think his first victim is a 7 year old kid. Aside from that he is Satanist. And yeah I think he is a twisted motherfucker.


tropical darks
Numbers aside, my vote is for Israel Keyes. He was probably one of the most organized killers of all-time and his true kill count will never be known, since he killed himself pre-trial. Guy would stash murder kits throughout the country and take "vacations" during which he'd randomly rape, torture, and kill people- funding these outings with the proceeds of bank robberies. Fucker was pure evil. His FBI interviews are on YouTube. Israel Keyes - Wikipedia
And he was only 34??
I'm surprised I never heard of this one

Holy shit!! Dude people are fucking twisted
In every documentary say "they look like a normal couple"

giphy (2).gif
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Fresh Meat
Henry Lee Lucas deserves a mention, although he might have been bluffing about some of his kills.

There’s a great movie about him with Yondu from Guardians Of The Galaxy.