Hollywood is programming you and your kids! (2 Viewers)

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Facepalm Gif - GIFcen


Well Known Member
I'm so glad I don't follow all that Hollywood BS. I don't watch movies and spend my TV time watching old shows that were family friendly from the 50s, 60s, and 70s. I have no desire to fuel the wealth of current Hollywood actors/actresses. For all I care, they can all rot in hell. JMO and 2 :twocents:

Racist Bastard

Forum Veteran
The Programming is there, since the first TV's came out btw. This Video shows you only one aspect of the whole game all of us are forced into.

Pedophilia cults secretly running the world aren't sounding so crazy anymore . The Roman catholic church is behind it all.


The Programming is there, since the first TV's came out btw. This Video shows you only one aspect of the whole game all of us are forced into.

It certainly seems plausible;I mean,U can clearly 👁👁 all the Signs within the Animation and Effects,When pointed out! Now do children really pick it up while viewing the Movie? I kinda doubt it, But that isn't My Field of Expertise!...I wouldn't B surprised tho! I guess all I can really say is.....Thanku?(kidding)...But Waddaya Gonna Do Right? 🤘🏼🤟🤙


Utter bastard
I knew certain frames were hidden in some of the movies, I was lead to believe it was the staff having a joke, knowing it would pass too quickly to even see it

Jon N.

Forum Veteran
The Programming is there, since the first TV's came out btw. This Video shows you only one aspect of the whole game all of us are forced into.

piss on Disney, I haven't watch Disney since the "60's" and that was on Sunday evenings.


Reboot Evolution
It's the bloody Jews again, isn't it?
Not only. There may be some jews involved, but any other peoples with different cultures are involved too. It's not possible to blame anyone from one community for all. That would be just too short-sighted.